Is anyone going to the special talk today?

by dmouse 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • InquiryMan

    When I read your summary, I was somewhat surprised that it was so different. When I had the special talk some years ago, it was like a regular talk, with an outline provided by the society. It is amazing how much a talk may differ, even when based on the same outline. It depends a lot on the individual speakers and what they emphasize. It also depends how much each speaker "dare" to deviate from the outline provided by the society. The brother giving the talk I summarized, did not mention lKing of the North, although the UN was mentioned a couple of times. It was also strange to listen the earthquake part, esp. since Awake! actually did state that there has not been a significant change of seismic activity, thus contradicting previous statements in the magazines. But, this is not the first time I’ve heard statements on stage, contradicting new information in the literature. I guess it is hard for many to catch up with all the ever changing information. I remember once, at a book study. We studied the old understanding, even though a new understanding had been given at an assembly. Still we should stick to the old understanding, giving erroneous answer. I guess it was too hard for the conductor to explain it when he did not have in explicit in writing in front of him.

  • dmouse

    I would also like to add this comment - I mentioned to my wife that I would be going to the meeting (for the first time in about a year) and she was angry! I thought she would be pleased but she questioned my motives and said I was just going to cause trouble!

    Huh! Talk about being judged.

  • proplog2

    Went to the special talk. Same old Same old...

    United Nations is going to destroy false religion.

    Process of elimination argument to prove that Babylon the Great isn't a political entity.

    Babylon the Great can't be a political entity because it has imoral intercourse with all the nations of the earth. (Of course this is contradicted by the fact that the political entities Ninevah & Tyre are also spoken of as having imoral intercourse with all the nations of the Earth)

    Babylon must be religion because she uses "spiritistic practices" to mislead everyone. (They ignore the fact that Ninevah and Tyre, clearly political entities, are described as "mistress of sorceries")

    The final verse of Revelation 18 is used to show that relgion is to be blamed for all of man's wars. (Too bad they didn't read the cross reference for Rev 18:24 which refers you to Jeremiah 51:49 where a similar claim is made about the literal city of Babylon)

    The cities of refuge were given as an illustration that there is no literal place you can flee from False Religion. Although in the world we must stay in the "city of refuge/organization". We are supposedly all blood-guilty through community responsibility.

    They said it is clear that the UN "has religion in its sights".

    So my conclusion as of April 27, 2003 they still don't have a clue.

  • Scully

    dmouse writes:

    Something about cities of refuge. (WTF!!) oh yeah, the Org is a city of refuge that we flee to after leaving BTG.

    Weren't the cities of refuge designed to protect people who committed manslaughter?? So they want the R&F to consider themselves bloodguilty (presumably because they can never do "enough" to please the Org), and the best place to hide or seek refuge is in an organization that is itself bloodguilty (suicides, child sexual abuse, blood issue)??

    It was bad enough when they compared the Org to Noah's Ark... but this is just ridiculous!!

    Love, Scully

  • Ravyn

    Dear BlueSapphire,

    I left in Jan of I did not stay in long enough to be accused of murder. Dang!---they really said that? talk about cutting someone's self-esteem to keep them in control! I remember the big mess back in 95 between the pioneers about how now we did not know why we were pioneering if we were no longer doing the sheep and goats sorting out! If I was accused of being a murderer because nothing I could ever do would be enough to clear me of bloodguilt I would have walked away and never looked back! Thank goodness I did that a few years before.


  • wednesday


    that is an all time LOL Wow, don't blame the sisters for not wanting to go to the ladies with HER. I love the sis who stepped in with the body slame-my dad used to take me to wrestling matches when i was a very young teen. She needs to have Fritz Von Erick put the old "iron Claw" on her.


    What a funny visual! Had a good laugh seeing u trying to hear the talk.

    About the talks as reported so far

    i too thought they were supposed to read from a manuscript.

    prehaps the new light in the june Wt has not reached the old transcripts they used.

    not odd they would say one thing and put another in print. CYA

  • bluesapphire

    Yeah, but I was such an ass that I actually prided myself and considered that particular watchtower study one of my all time favorites. What an ass!

  • Xena

    Funny thing I bet the "apostates" that attended paid more attention and took better notes than the dubs...

    Sounds pretty much like what they were talkin about when I left 3 years ago...

  • Masterji

    Here is the key section.


    Composite "sign of [Christ’s] presence and of the conclusion of the system of things" has been developing since 1914 (Mt 24:3; w97 4/1 5-8; w93 3/1 4-6)

    Jesus referred to various features of "the sign" as "a beginning of pangs of distress" ("pangs of birth," Kingdom interlinear) (Mt 24:8)

    Like pangs of birth, which increase in severity, frequency, and duration, distress of this system intensifies as Babylon’s judgment nears (2Ti 3:1,13; w83 4/1 6)

    Striking manifestation of Christ’s presence is imminent ( READ 2 Thessalonians 2:8) (re282)

    World events suggest that false religion is now in the target zone for destruction


  • Mulan

    I asked Mom about the talk and if there was anything new. I swear this is what she said "Nope. Same old, same old." Quite an admission for her.

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