What is the current Watchtower "rent charge per publisher" for Kingdom Halls in the USA???

by Balaamsass2 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Balaamsass2

    I was following a few threads in Reddit from current PIMO JWs complaining about local announcements regarding halls being short on their per publisher "rent payments". Third Gen and I have been out POMO for a while...so how much is this charge now? Could this be part of the recent push to get people to "come back" or get re-instated...if it even is online and 15 minutes of service per month? Just Extra revenue? Simply some extra beans for the New York bean counters to charge money for ?

    "Pay us money every month and we will let your old "friends" and family talk to you again !"

  • LongHairGal


    That’s a good point and I hadn’t thought about that one.

    They certainty would want people back to give $$. They need brothers to be elders and hold microphones. But, they also want people (women) to do favors for people there.

    In the old prosperous days when I was there they tried to enlist ALL the young women to do favors for affluent older people and other Users there.. I was viewed so negatively because of my job that I made sure I said NO.. But, there were plenty of other brown noses and pioneers who said yes.. Good for them and they probably got invited to those ‘special dinners’.

    The demographics are different in the JW religion today. They have had serious population loss and this is really their fault as they literally pushed people out, in my opinion..(I walked out).. Most of those affluent older people I remembered have passed away.. The die-hard Boomers are seniors now and are probably the ones looking for assistance of all kinds now!

  • jhine

    What are the favours that you mention?

    Jan from Tam

  • Biahi

    Jan, LHG said that they used to approach people at the KH who had jobs. They had envelopes asking employed people to put cash into the envelopes for the pioneers, and other under employed witnesses. Not only cash, but rides, and other things like that.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    "Pay us money every month and we will let your old "friends" and family talk to you again !"

    Cults sell you things you already have, but never noticed.

  • hoser

    My wife and myself and our parents have literally paid for one if not two Kingdom Halls over the last 50 years.

    We’ve given enough to watchtower corporation.

    We don’t contribute anymore

  • kenmayo1

    Last I heard the assessment per publisher in the U.S. was: 11.50 per month for the World Wide Work, 7.80 per month for the Travel Overseers and Representatives and a set amount (ours was 900 a month) for the Kingdom Hall and Hall insurance fund.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    People vote with the pocketbooks and with their feet

  • Balaamsass2

    Wow- thanks Kenmayo1! Adding all those charges up for a congregation of 60 people annually is a pretty penny. No wonder their "club " has decided to suddenly become more welcoming! lol :) No wonder some of our old halls have combined! Four of our old congregations have been combined into oblivion.

  • LongHairGal


    You have a PM.


    Even though this may not sound like a lot of money to some people, those who got criticized for having a career might resent even this.. And this doesn’t include all the other expenses a person might have in the JW religion like gas prices and wear and tear on their vehicles going out in the ministry, lunches and maintaining a decent wardrobe (before the days of pants for women and a more casual look for men). Never mind all the other miscellaneous appeals for $$.

    I have heard things have changed and there isn’t much door to door now, but people have many more expenses living in the world today!

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