What is the current Watchtower "rent charge per publisher" for Kingdom Halls in the USA???

by Balaamsass2 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    That’s roughly $50/month + local expenses + personal expenses (suit, briefcase, transport), we are easily looking at $1000-1500/y/pp

    Family of 5, no college, …

  • blondie

    I feel that this publisher charge is because not enough individual donations in congregations, so congregation is assessed to give out of general donations in congregation. Can't tithe individual jws, so tithe congregations.

  • hoser

    They brag about not tithing but tithe

  • blondie

    That's right hoser. It's all semantics, smoke and mirrors.

  • HereIam60

    It used to be that periodic, but not frequent, talks were given about the uses to which donations were put, the good they were doing etc. and it was simply left at that. Now it's much more blatant. At our Hall we were recently informed, after a letter from "The Branch", that our Kingdom Hall Operating Fund, the amount to be kept on hand, was below the amount suggested by he Organization, and the brothers were " just putting it out there". Of course the congregation made up the shortfall and this was acknowledged. They used to say "We will never beg for, or solicit funds..." they may as well add "...until we do." A big thing is still made of 'no collection plate is passed', but collections are certainly taken, literally. When on the broadcast of March 2015 Steven Lett said 'More money was going out than coming in..." I was screaming (in the back of my mind) "If that's true, it's because they (GB) have mismanaged it, and proven themselves neither faithful nor discreet with the Master's belongings...

  • Balaamsass2

    When I was 12 I asked mom; "If God sees everything and the future, and tells Bethel about it...why do they ask for money?" "Wouldn't they know where to dig for gold, or what stocks to buy?" Mom boxed my ears for that. I should have gone with my gut right then.

  • RandomUserName3500
    Biahi5 days ago
    Jan, LHG said that they used to approach people at the KH who had jobs. They had envelopes asking employed people to put cash into the envelopes for the pioneers, and other under employed witnesses. Not only cash, but rides, and other things like that.

    Back when I was in, I got another brother a job were I was working doing 'on call sub contracting' work (dont want to get to specific). About a year later he was crying about no money and going to be evicted. Sure enough everyone starts getting pulled aside and told about an envelope to help a family in need. One of the elders with a brain pulled me aside and asked how it was we worked at the same place and I was doing fine but the other brother was going to get evicted? Told him because I worked and the other brother didnt want to work. Work calls with a job and I was on it, ready to go when they called, everything already in the truck just tell me what and where. The other brother would need to 'think about it', plan out his week, and no joke, look at where he could find breakfast in the area of the job. By the time he was part way done considering the job and would call in with more questions, someone else had the job.

    Sure enough the brother pissed off nearly everyone. Received the envelope of cash. Decided he and his family could use a vacation because of the stress and they hadn't had a vacation in a while, and went out of town for a week. Got evicted. Changed halls soon after, probably to repeat the process.

  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    I attended a friend's funeral and I didn't have a Black suit to wear. The funeral was at the old Kingdumb Hall I grew up in. I wore my military uniform with all the service ribbons and bins I earned in my tours of duty. I got soon many dirty looks from the Brothers. One even told me how inappropriate it was for me to wear my uniform. I told him that I earned this uniform and everything pined on. I unlike you, help people. You think knocking on doors and standing near a cart is helping people? Besides, you have your freedom because of me you asshole.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Last I heard the assessment per publisher in the U.S. was: 11.50 per month for the World Wide Work

    Wow, that is a small price to pay for being able to believe that there is no consciousness after you die, no judgment after you die, and that even if you screw everything up in this life you get your sins forgiven by dying. A big bonus (at no additional charge) is getting a do-over living in a timber-frame mansion next to a giant waterfall and a global petting zoo.

    Seems too good to be true.


  • LongHairGal


    The guy you tell about is a typical grifter in the JWs and there were always a couple of them in the hall. The other ‘bad actor’ was usually a pioneer couple - always expecting money from people..Looking for freebies and wanting everybody else to pay for their ‘Everlasting Life’.

    And they do tend to change halls after everybody has their ‘number’… If I had been there and anybody came up to me with their envelope asking for $$ for anybody there, my answer was NO… I got criticized, marked and gossiped about because I had a full-time job… Where did any of those hypocrites get off imagining they could then come up to me to ask for charity???

    This is part of the reason they hated me and I couldn’t have cared less..Nowadays, You would be asked for $$ left and right.👎 Glad to be Out.


    I would have loved to see you tell off those JWs when they criticized your uniform! ..As a group they are appallingly ignorant and do not realize that they would have no freedoms at all if somebody else did not fight for them!!!

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