What is the current Watchtower "rent charge per publisher" for Kingdom Halls in the USA???

by Balaamsass2 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LV101

    Ugot2bekiddingme1 - ditto Longy and thank you for your service!!

  • LongHairGal


    We both have had our share of encounters with all sorts of users and grifters in the JW religion and can spot them a mile away!

    It’s a shame to say it really.

  • LV101

    Longy -- the religion seems to attract a large share of society's misfits. -- don't think this was always the case but every religion, club, org, has their share. Like you've indicated in the past, the free loading is bound to be a bigger issue today. I'm clueless what goes on inside the halls today. All I hear is how loving and kind the adherents are -- I have my doubts. They were always 'sugary' when freeloading or playing the entitlement WT card.

    I think the publisher rent charge would be difficult for the disadvantaged to toss in the til. Elders must need lots of extra chunk change today to cover the real estate empire's Rolex/jewelry insurance (theft protection) pmts.

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