It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • DerekMoors
    I really dont understand why he cant just focus on exJW issues and lifting the lid on Watchtower. Why on earth would he think anyone really cares about him or his personal life.

    Because it's not about bringing down WT as much as it's about elevating him. HE'S the big shot hero, HE'S the leader of the exJW community and movement, HE'S the one who rescued abused children and outsmarted those men in New York. HE'S responsible for any changes they made because he's such a threat to them.

    That's why he attacked the protests and anyone who disagreed with him about the Russian ban, put his logo on the back of CoC, attacked domestic violence shelters when they didn't give him attention, etc. It's all about him and any threat to his status needs to be brought down even if they do some good in exposing WT as well.

    He's a messiah in his own mind, a wannabe cult leader, the greater Moses leading the poor lost sheep who hang onto his every word through the Red Sea of life. He only attacks WT because it brings him status, not because he gives two shits about victims as his behavior proves.

    Oh oops, I probaby hurt his fee-fees with all that. Let me prepare myself for the impending lawsuit.

    Lloyd is a legend in his own lunchbox. He thinks he is that important. I also think that it draws viewers on emotionally and this loyalty, but that’s just my opinion
  • fastJehu
    ... Man, it would be crazy if someone grabbed the text of his livestream video and dumped it into a text file...

    I made the transcription. In 12 hours (i must sleep now and later proofread the text) I will post it here.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Who gives a F about his personal life?

    He gets off on telling people what naughty things he has done. My guess is he keeps mental notes of what he does now that could have gotten him disfellowshipped when he was a JW. Anyone else would have been embarrassed they had to pay for sex, but I think he really got off on cheating on his wife. The sheer thrill of it. Why else did he ask Dijana to purchase condoms for him when he had the tickets to Thailand? He could have easily picked them up discreetly. Lloyd wanted to leave little doubt in her mind as to what he was up to, which makes his claims that he was there for the scuba and the food such a bold faced lie.

    He claims he was forced into the livestream but I think he really did want to eventually tell everyone and in the process manipulate their thinking to make what he did acceptable. The letters say it all when he outlined his proposal of an open marriage complete with regular visits with prostitutes. He wanted it all normalised. Had the open marriage worked, he would have made a video about the new arrangement, telling people how great it was for both parties. (And also signaling to his female followers that he was sexually available to them).

    Same game plan here. The shroom video was his way of telling everyone he uses drugs and it’s all good. It goes much further than shrooms, but doing a video about snorting coke is taking it too far.

  • TonusOH

    fastJehu: I made the transcription.

    You live up to your name, lol. I copy/pasted it, but it will take a while to format it properly. On the other hand, the amount of work the transcribed text saves is immeasurable.

  • DerekMoors

    He's gonna need something stronger than shrooms to dull this pain...

  • Ron.W.

    Wonder how long these honest hearted comments will stay up!👏👏

  • Teddnzo

    He is obviously a very mixed up old man. Past midlife crisis stage this is later life catastrophe.

    He kids won’t want to speak to him once they are old enough to do a Google search. He knows this.

    His plan of living off making YouTube videos is going downhill fast. Soon he will have only a couple of hundred patrons probably giving an average of $10 month or something like that. In time it will get less and less.

    He has admitted to being suicidal and on medication for mental health. Then he admitted to stopping taking them cold turkey against the advice of medical professionals.

    He has talked before about experimenting with illegal drugs and it sound like he is on a self destructive path downhill.

    He may think he is near the bottom of the barrel but there is further to go down once he can’t pay his rent and is homeless in a country that he has never bothered to learn the language.

    His best bet now is try to sincerely apologise and try to build back bridges he burned. If he genuinely shows a humble attitude get a job and show he is sorry then he will have many forgive him.

    He should be honest with his kids when they are old enough. Without trying to use excuses and blame JWs for his downward spiral. If you are reading Lloyd then don’t try and say sexual repression and the JWs are to blame. Many times throughout history humans waited until marriage before sex, and they all didn’t cheat on their wives with prostitution. And they certainly didn’t ask their wife to buy condoms to go on sex holidays

  • fastJehu

    Minute 20:28 in his shrooms video he asked this question (no joke):

  • Ron.W.

    I think this man is going to go all the way down. There's arrogance - and then there's Lloyd Evans:

    Anyone who follows this clown gets all they deserve..

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