It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • Toblerone5

    JWBeliefsDiscussed your video made me šŸ¤£ so much.šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

    And your right he will be back. on Twitter ,I give him 3 days , or 3 weeks . The last time he did that have a big drama I need a break bla bla 2022, he came back with 12 lawsuits. (then 7) don't think he would put that stunt again ,but i'm kind of curious to see what is going to be is next stupid move, šŸ˜ cause he never learns...

    By the way technically , this should be page 1180 !

  • Ron.W.
  • slimboyfat

    I donā€™t know if he will be back on Twitter because it doesnā€™t do anything for him any more. He doesnā€™t get the adulation he used to get. Even he is getting wary of posting gratuitous photos of his small children for likes. It doesnā€™t drive a lot of traffic to his channel and therefore doesnā€™t make him money. He has to spend a lot of time reading people make truthful comments about his behaviour before blocking them. I can see why heā€™s grown tired of it and doubt that he will be back any time soon. He will pretend his departure is a principled stand against Elon Musk or something stupid, of course, compulsive liar that he is, rather than face the truth that he burnt all his bridges and canā€™t stand the heat. Was that too harsh? Ha!

  • btlc
  • TonusOH

    "I won't let them silence me," he exclaimed, as he shut down his social media presence.

  • MeanMrMustard

    "Priorities" - A Haiku by Lloyd Evans

    I will do what's right.
    I will end the Watchtower.
    First, "happy ending"?
  • Ron.W.
    "I won't let them silence me," he exclaimed, as he shut down his social media presence.


  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I donā€™t know if he will be back on Twitter because it doesnā€™t do anything for him any more. He doesnā€™t get the adulation he used to get.
    His exJW Twitter was not working for him anymore. His more vocal followers either left or were tired of the drama. At the same time, itā€™s been a playground for his critics. I donā€™t think he ever accepted that he was outnumbered there until recently, and he just nuked it as a result.

    As someone so dependent upon donations, online reputation and visibility, leaving the platform also has its disadvantages. These two things can be true at the same time.

    Heā€™s practically ceded all leadership on exJW matters. Moving forward, if he wants to transition into atheist and/or anti-cult activism, it is crucial to re-establish himself there as his rebranded self. Heā€™ll need to interact with potential interviewees and donors. Heā€™s going to find out the hard way that exJWs were easy pickings for donors when compared to the groups he is now courting. Plus there is the leftover exJW drama that will inevitably follow him.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Lloyd didn't mind when HIS deranged pitbulls doxxed us.Not our personal info on Twitter but our daughter' also. Including her phone number & the nutjobs even encouraged people to call her!

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    His Patreon is still up with 462 patreons.

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