I personally could not see lloyd deleting his patreon. He is a grifter of the highest order. If people are willing to give him money for doing nothing, he’s going to let them. The man has no morals and wouldn’t know a hard days work for an honest days pay if it bit him on the a$$.
There is no way on this planet that I could see him closing, starting in a new genre as he claims and building up new followers. Im sure he will be happy to continue using vulnerable people until he builds enough support in the new genre and then those “lloyal” supporters will see how much lloyd didn’t care about them, just their $.
And plan b - if his new genre doesn’t kick off, at least he can rely on the vulnerable to keep him fed.
Im sorry but this is the lowest kind of human. Grifting off vulnerable people, often less well off than him, carrying on the way he does is just ….I haven’t got the word.
i used to like Prince Harry until I got sick of him crying about being a victim, so hard done by and all the other bullshit he goes on with, despite his privileged life.
I see more in common with Prince Harry and Lloyd than just their nationalities.