Wow, he sounds like the speech elders were making at all of my congregations throughout my 35 years in the JWs.
Lloyd Evans just stole the “per publisher” gimmick.
He rounded up to 115,000 subs, divided it by 0.005 (half a percent) and came up with 575 expected donors.
But he doesn’t disfellowship his YT subs nor does he account for them going inactive or dying.
It’s even worse than the WT. At least they go by active publishers and are not counting everyone who’s ever knocked on a door in the past decade.
So according to Lloyd’s logic, everyone who has ever clicked “subscribe” on his channel over the past 10 years figures into his math regarding how many people should financially support him.
So the plantar’s wart has returned. This has none of the emotional heft of the previous begging stunts (“I may have to sack Dijana and Tibor and lives won’t get saved!”) to a blatant cash grab complete with lame sketches about how people can buy time with him.
He’s graduated from his patented faux-altruism into the full-on whore phase.