It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat
    Hemorrhoid Evans is s a nobody, hardly even a has-been, more like an almost never was. An infected pimple on the ex-JW communities ass that keeps re-emerging every so often to beg for more money and squirt forth a gooey diatribe of gibberish.

    You’re too kind.

  • WingCommander

    @slimboyfat: What can I say? I'm no Master wordsmith like Lord Evans, but I do my best! lol

  • WingCommander

    Well now, this is an interesting thread, which unbelievably the mods haven't taken down yet. I haven't seen his most recent posts, etc.....nor do I unless it's someone snip-it. Is he on the downward spiral? Huffin on dat black tar? Must have seen those OTHER reddit threads where they posted snipits of his "Aftermath", etc.

    Anyone want to start a DEAD POOL? Who'll croak first, TOMO3, Lett the Clown, "No Football Losch" or The Great Neck-bearded One? Only Jah knows for sure!

    Ha! Thread been removed now. "Bad taste." Yes, that's exactly what the LadyBoiz said LE left in their mouths.....

  • Jehalapeno

    I have someone that is spying on his Patreon posts...

    Hi everyone
    I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the amazing messages of kindness, support and solidarity over the past couple of weeks since I announced I would be significantly reducing the number of uploads on the channel. I'm very humbled by your belief in me and my work.
    Right now I'm taking the opportunity to decompress from all the changes. Up to the moment it was decided to close Ipsilon Media I was going 100mph and had just started filming on the Sunday Morning convention rebuttal, fully planning to finish convention season and get up to speed with all the JW Broadcasting rebuttals including August.
    From that breakneck momentum I'm now at a standstill! As heartbreaking as it is to be stopping under these circumstances, at the same time my soul is crying out "thank you" that I can just breathe for a while and use this as an opportunity to recenter and figure out what the next chapter looks like.
    I've also come off Twitter which has been very much beneficial to my mental health.
    I want to reassure you all that your messages of love and support have been heard and are incredibly meaningful. I also fully intend to get back to putting out content on the channel beginning next month at the 1 or 2 per week frequency I mentioned. My plan is to use the extra time to go back to my writing and finally get the Second Edition of The Reluctant Apostate finished (in both English and German) before moving on to adding more books to my body of work. I was a writer before I was a YouTuber, so reconnecting with my passion for writing is a very exciting prospect.
    If you have any thoughts or ideas regarding what you would like to see as patrons and YouTube channel members moving forward, please do let me know in the comments. In the meantime thank you SO much for your patient, persistent support. I owe each and every one of you a hug, if hugging is your thing!
  • nicolaou
    I was a writer before I was a YouTuber


  • Jehalapeno
    My plan is to use the extra time to go back to my writing and finally get the Second Edition of The Reluctant Apostate finished (in both English and German) before moving on to adding more books to my body of work. I was a writer before I was a YouTuber...

    Hasn't he been saying that's what he's working on since before this whole scandal started? What a dumkoff.

  • TonusOH

    Interesting. In his private message to his patrons he drops any talk of defamation/hate campaigns.

  • slimboyfat
    I've also come off Twitter which has been very much beneficial to my mental health.

    Pretty ironic since if he had heeded Kim’s advice to get off Twitter in the first place he might not be in this mess.

    As it is he’s losing patrons at a rate of about 1 a-day at the moment. The month-end drop could be pretty big.

    The ironic thing is that he still has more patrons than other ExJW YouTubers, and he could still salvage the situation for himself if he really wanted to. All he would have to do is acknowledge mistakes, make a genuine apology, and put in some hard work. Yet because of who he is the chances of that happening are close to 0% and the downward spiral will continue.

  • Toblerone5
    the same time my soul is crying out "thank you"

    I wish is soul would tell him to stop dating sex workers , stop being a jerk to everybody and stop freeloading on vulnerable ex-JW...

  • Yooters
    Souls is crying aka another month of grift (suckers!)!

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