It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • DerekMoors

    Posted November's thread if anyone wants to get their votes in early:

  • Toblerone5
    Feel free to have some fun and share your best Lard I mean Lloyd-related Halloween meme

    OMG! Hell yes !

  • DerekMoors

    That's probably his face every month when he sees his patron numbers drop.

  • Thisismein1972
    He had found out the hard way that he had revealed too much.

    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" This is why he thought he could get away with spilling the beans to Kim and Producer Bob. He has gotten away with so much in the last ten or so years, from doxing people to printing a copyrighted book to everything else in between, he thought nothing could touch him. At first, when Kim revealed what Lloyd disclosed the flying monkeys did attack, and (to use a well-used trope) it was all Kim's fault. Then Lloyd decided to go on record admitting to everything Kim had said. It took a while for reality to set in with his followers, but it set in eventually.

    His whole grift has been based on a lie from day one. We need to keep in mind that he had a branch representative at his judicial, and (according to him) he tried to blackmail the representative, why did he do this, what did they have on him?

    He then dragged his wife with him. My belief is, that she never wanted to leave, but Lloyd being Lloyd forced Dijana to write the letter, I think there is a bit in his book where he mentions that he had to force her to write the letter because she didn't feel she wanted to, I could be wrong here though. I think she will probably go back as her parents are still JW's.

    Recently I changed my mind about him being a watchtower plant. I now think he never wanted to leave, he loved being a JW, especially the fake power of being an elder, he was forced out. So what did he do when he was forced out, he made a video about it. "I am just about to go to my judicial committee, I am not going to record it because of reasons" This would have been a perfect opportunity to record his judicial. He has since deleted this video I think. Probably because people started to question why he decided not to record his judicial, and of course why a branch representative was there.

    From day one, he has lied, he got people to believe his version of the events. Then the VAA started to ask questions. At that time, he had enough people on his side to go on the attack at his request. His followers were unhinged, to say the least, like some sort of bloodthirsty cult, they were vicious and Lloyd would have loved every minute of the vitriol as he then knew he could get away with anything and just call on his flying monkeys to attack.

    This is why he revealed his trip to Kim and Pruducer Bob, he thought he was so powerful that even something as bad as this would be like Teflon to his reputation as the best of the best JW "activist" that has ever roamed the earth. He still has people trying to defend him, but they are very cult-like in the way they speak. In Mike and Kim's last video, I saw some of the comments, and they did freak me out a little because the cult speak was scary to see.

    His own downfall is his own doing. He could not even be a successful JW as his ego got in the way. He is hiding a lot of things and he is trying desperately to keep a lid on this. He is his own worst enemy and he is going to find out that keeping things hidden is only going to be much worse when found out. His attempt at litigation was an attempt to keep things hidden, but fortunately, this time around the threat of litigation did not work so now he is shrinking away, probably knowing that things will eventually be revealed, there is still a lot to come out about Lloyd and he knows it is only a matter of time now that the litigation has not had the effect he was hoping it would have had.

    His downfall is all his doing, his failed attempt at litigation will only make people more determined to find out more about his grift, and why he has used the constant threat of litigation (that has always failed) to try and silence people.

    We all know you watch this thread intently Lloyd, know this. This is all your doing, you could have been honest from the outset, but you have chosen to lie right from the beginning. Nothing will stop anyone now as your empty threats have turned out to be nothing.

  • Ron.W.
    Feel free to have some fun and share your best Lard I mean Lloyd-related Halloween meme..

  • TonusOH

    LMsA: [...] he added an adjective "briefly" to "dating". This was done on purpose and meant to further minimise what he had done.

    That could be the next meme. How many qualifiers can we add to his statements to try to make it look less damning.

    "I very briefly considered approaching a 20-year-old sex worker about a date, and we had an engorging discussion about the local tourist spots and how stiff and erect an elephant tusk could potentially get, under the proper circumstances. The sort of banal thing that everyone does when they travel. Little did I know that Kim would use this utterly innocent non-event to destroy me and my family."

  • Yooters

    No Lloyd,

    you destroyed your own family by your own actions and words. Grow a pair and take responsibility for all of it.

  • Teddnzo

    At what point will his donations be insufficient to sit back and rely on charity?

    300 or less patrons who keep giving him charity?

    has he got any other income does he work at all?

  • btlc

    A new letter from the court?

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Here’s the English version. This one is different. Says: “Letter” as opposed to Official Note. Dated from Tuesday the 3rd.

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