I was barely walking when we went to a convention in NYC in 1955. I went to Pasadena in 1963 (114,000 at the Rose Bowl). Those were 8 days, with field service in the morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Slowly the WTS cut it back to 5, then 4, then 3 days and less going out door to door to invite people to the convention. I survived a lot, super hot in 1963, smog was still around and made people sick, seats were hard, we had umbrellas to protect us from sun, and large jugs of water so not to get dehydrated. The WTS had plumbed pipes with holes where water bubbled out in the outdoors. Just bent over and drank cool water, we went ever during the sessions. It rained one day and water flowed down the seats, but we weren't there, we went a sealife park. We took off one day and went to Disneyland. We were wicked. It was boring, and Fred Franz had the closing talk and he went over 45 minutes at least. We left before the end to beat the jws leaving. But Billy Graham was having a large group near by and it was the battle driving of the holy ones. We discovered tacos and had a swimming pool at our motel. It was fun then. But I was young then. But I remember very little from the sessions. I could never endure it now, my last day with anything WT was at a circuit assembly, where I left at the lunch break and never attended anything jw-related after that. I woke up that Sunday and did not have to go to an assembly again, or a meeting or "field circus" and could sleep in, get up and drink my coffee and read the paper, and stay in my pajamas. I was like being let out of a prison I had been in for 40 years.
Would you be able to survive a three day Assembly?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My parents and I were also at the 1963 Pasadena Convention. It was also Huge
I have to agree with the poster who asked why they needed 8 days to get their points across. I'm beginning to think WTC got some kind of kickback from the hotels/motels per day. The longer the "friends" had to stay, the more $$$ came back to WTBT$.
3rd gen, the WTS did get comp'd (free) rooms and gave them to WTS big wigs to use. As to the WTS getting money directly from the hotels I'm not too sure about that or if it is misguided info. The "jw rate" did not apply before the convention or after per the hotels I knew of. And many jws had other ways to save on room costs, through their own fiscal membership with that hotel or through their employment, but the WTS said not to use them or the WTS might lose their block of rooms what liars, surprise. Yes, let the rank and file, struggling to put food on the table, clothes on their family's back, and a safe place to live...pick up the higher cost. We always stayed where we got the best price for the better room. Some jws told us they got rooms 50 miles away from the site and the room had bed bugs! Not just that one experience either. Some just drive back and forth from the convention site or take a bus rented by the congregation for transport daily. Even if an hour and a half away. Wow, those were or still are the days.
Beth Sarim
Ahh the convention room thing,,,,as far as I know the big wigs got complimentary rooms or at a much lower cost.
If rank and file JWS used their own points for (non listed) rooms the Borg could lose the hotels or motels that would be designated for the Borg big shots,,,,,in which would be at substantially reduced price or complimentary,,,,,,that detail was left out.
Thats why they always ragged about NOT booking on the recommended hotel list.
Ultimate Axiom
The last one I attended was Twickenham 1980 and I can't remember anything about it, not even how many days it was. I also don't remember encountering any 12-13 minute closing prayers, butI I was once told that assemblies were a big money spinner for the organization, revenues from food, donations, books etc made them very profitable. Obviously not so anymore as even "International Conventions" are now only three days instead of anything from five to eight back in the day. What has made them so unprofitable now?.