R.ex-JW writes
Was recently talking to a JW friend that l hadn’t heard from since before covid. We were in the same congregation until l moved away. Always a great guy, cheerful, very devoted to the religion his whole life. Seems he got himself marked for disorderly conduct, he invited a sister for a meal unchaperoned, even though nothing bad happened -sounded more like a personal grudge by an over-righteous elder.
He sounded so depressed on the phone, telling me that the ‘friends’ would run hot and cold, first they would shut him out, totally ignore him, make him work alone in field service, then a while later they would welcome him warmly and invite him to social events. Only to rinse and repeat. This went on for more than a year. He said that all this messed with his mind because he could never predict if they would be pleasant or rude. He could handle either behaviour, but not both! Today l found out from a cousin that he committed suicide last night. Left a note saying that he couldn’t take it any more.
I totally blame the leaders of this toxic religion, they have no idea of the power they have over peoples lives and their minds. They killed my friend with their bullying and manipulation. I will never forgive them. If there’s a god l hope that he serves up justice to these monsters.