Yes, I have belonged to a number of conservative Christian churches over the years, including Baptist, Pentecostal, Alliance, Anglican, Bible Student and Brethren churches. My family and I have benefited from each one.
No one shunned me or said that I was not a Christian for changing affiliation. I still have friends in every one. Why? Because we all recognize that the church of Jesus Christ is a spiritual body, holy and inseparable from our Lord.
Jesus will not ask on His return, " Which church did you attend?" No He will ask, "Did you love me? Did you serve me? Did you feed my sheep? Did you clothe the poor? etc.
In one Brethren church I attended for years, they disfellowshipped a brother for ongoing fraudulent activity. He had to appologize to many and was not permitted to preach or teach until he was reinstated. He still came to church and no one was mandated to shun him while he was disfellowshipped.
The religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses, on the other hand, is a counterfeit christian cult and a dangerous one at that.