Give jusastudy some time to respond. He/she said that they post from work. He/she only posted 15 hours ago, so let's wait another 9 hours before we decide that 'jusastudy' is a hit-and-run case on the board.
by jusastudy 37 Replies latest jw friends
Just a study,
Some advice. You are in a fork in the road. IF you decide to get baptised you are putting your family, your friends and your own well being at risk. The changes that come along with becoming a witness are subtle but brutal should you decide to leave later. The decisions you make NOW concerning JW's are important and could have a profound impact on your life! Don't be complacent or passive. Examine both sides of the story before you take a plunge !
The situation you are in right now is relatively benign. You can choose not to commit yourself to this publishing company and avoid the retributions it reserves for baptised members.
PS.... Would you ever buy a car after listening to ONLY the salesman?? - Get the whole story.
Just a study,
Some advice. You are in a fork in the road. IF you decide to get baptised you are putting your family, your friends and your own well being at risk. The changes that come along with becoming a witness are subtle but brutal should you decide to leave later. The decisions you make NOW concerning JW's are important and could have a profound impact on your life! Don't be complacent or passive. Examine both sides of the story before you take a plunge !
The situation you are in right now is relatively benign. You can choose not to commit yourself to this publishing company and avoid the retributions it reserves for baptised members.
PS.... Would you ever buy a car after listening to ONLY the salesman?? - Get the whole story.
Never joining in the first place is a lot easier than leaving once you have decided to become a Witness. It is really a shame, but there is no freedom in this place except to believe everything that comes from the Tower. Not even the least bit of disagreement is tolerated. Honest differences of opinion are not tolerated. You have to accept the whole kit and caboodle, or nothing. Disagree once you get in, and you are likely to be branded as disloyal and worthy of spiritual death. You will be marked, ostracized, expelled in ignominity.
It's a shame because it does not have to be like that. Once the Watch Tower had the lofty mission of restoring first century Christianity. Well, the record of first century Christianity is in the Bible book of Acts. Read it. Then compare those Christians in Acts with Jehovah's Witnesses. They are not the same at all. The Witnesses are just another man-made religious organization, and the men they are following today are very totalitarian, self-righteous and Pharisaic.
Too bad. Flee while you can, without tragic consequences.
You really don't owe the JWs much. You certainly don't owe them any big, lengthy explanations in person.
First, remember you can't be walked on unless you lie down first. Refuse to lie down.
The day before your next book study, call your JW study person and simply tell him/her that you want to terminate the study. When asked why, all you have to do is say that you are not impressed that you are being taught anything significant, and that you've seen several news programs about how the JWs hide pedophiles. After that, you really don't owe them any further explanations.
You can even hang up at that point if the JW refuses to cooperate in terminating the conversation. These people are dangerous. You are very lucky that you've decided to leave. You don't need any other teacher but the indwelling spirit that lives in your heart/mind. You certainly don't need any elitist cultists who would much rather protect their "Jehovah" than to lift a finger to help a little girl who is being used by one of their leaders like she was some sort of sexual toy. Those are the kind of people you want to tell you about God?
I probably have a different view than most here. Ultimately it is up to you, what you believe. Here is my take. I think they have alot of truths, that draw people. Jesus is Jehovah's son, Hell is the grave, etc. But, I personally don't believe that just because they have some truths, means they have all truths. Basic truth can be distorted in many ways and usually is at the hands of any organized religion. It isn't wrong to still believe some of the things you have learned in your study, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it all on face value either. Try reading the bible yourself without publications, and make up your mind for yourself, then if you decide to continue, do so, but if you want to stop, stop. God is the only person who knows your heart condition and only he can judge you at Armagedon. So just be true to yourself and what you believe god wants you to do and don't worry about Armagedon because Jehovah will be able to see you are honest hearted.
Well, I am going to speak up and give my two cents worth!
For all its worth, I was justastudy once. Yeah I remember the doubts. And I remember going to "apostate" books to find out more about the dubs BECAUSE of my lingering doubts.
Why did all that research fail me? Because of the love bombing. I need a support network THEN AND THERE and the witnesses were FREE WILLING AND ABLE to fill that need ON THE SPOT.
Frankly, I think if any atheist tried to steer me free of the Jdubs I would have viewed them as lost and from Satan and it would have reinforced the JW teachings about what happens to ex-jws. I'm not against atheists whatsoever. I'm just stating what the likely reaction could be based on how I know I would have reacted.
I think we need to be more sensitive when people such as "justastudy" come on here. It's not about US. It's about THEM. Be all things to all people. Not because Paul said it (if he even did) but because it works. Don't alienate the person we are trying to help.
Okay .... go ahead and bash me. I don't care. I'm entitled.
Hello.............anyone out there?
For a start I want to say from experience, there are a lot of sincere, kind, yes loving Jehovah’s Witnesses. I know many. You see I was bought up a third generation Witness. When younger I pioneered and my husband had many positions of responsibility in the organization. We got to know many Jehovah’s Witness and, even more important, the organization behind the people.
We still love many of the people. Unfortunately they are being manipulated [as we were], by a hierarchy of power hungry men. Of course JW’s are not the only ones. Mormons are a high control group as are many others.
However my knowledge and experience are restricted to JW’s.
So I say to you, what ever you do;
“Don’t get baptized”. “Don’t lose all your present friends”. “ Don’t alienate your family”.
The problem with getting baptized is they don’t tell you everything. The fine print says that if at anytime in the future you disagree with anything printed by the Watchtower society you face the distinct possibility of being disfellowshiped.
That is the reason I warned against losing your entire support group. When you are disfellowshiped all those kind Witnesses will stop associating with you. They will not even acknowledge you in the street. They will turn the other way. Then what? You have no one!
We are now in the position of approaching 70 and having no friends who are not JW’s.
The problem is we can no longer support a group which we have found has lied and deceived us and all our friends and family. Now in our older age we could be bereft of all human support if we even so much as questioned the claim that this is the sole organization used by God at this time.
We would definitely be disfellowshiped if we showed the elders in our congregation the proof we have that the society has lied and covered up about their 1914 prediction, the blood issue and many other things.
There is no freedom with that group. I know many people want to be told what to do. That is fine. If it makes sense and does not go against your conscience. The problem is;
Can you be absolutely sure that there is nothing they would ask of you at any time in the future that would not disturb your conscience? Remember whatever your personal conscience says is irrelevant. You must do as you are told.
Always remember; They hold the weapon, [disfellowshiping] it is loaded and ready for use. I know it has been used against many good people.
You and I are not exceptions.
Be very careful .
Thanks to everyone for all the good advise. farkel youre funny. I stumbled upon this web site it said JWs so I entered. It is different when yousee a site and people dont know anything about the JWs than when you find people who know and have had experiences then it helps you to see. alsoI dont have a computer at home so I cant comunicate as I wish. Cause i want to learn more. thanks for the scriptures they have been helpful. I thinkcounseling may not be a bad idea