Things are too quiet at Warwick (Bethel)

by RubaDub 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy3

    While I sympathise with you LHG for your experience as a working Gal ,in my neck of the woods ,Australia I have never had a problem working my whole life as a JW ,having a few jobs in my 32 years in the borg.

    28 years in the last job I had and for some of that time i served as a MS .

    And most of the people I have met in the 6 or so congregations I have been in have either had a job or were self employed ,and of course i`m talking about males generally .

    However my wife also worked for a Sister who ran a beauty salon whose husband served as a missionary in PNG some years before .......No problems there.

    And at that time he was also an Elder in the Congregation we attended.

    When I first became a witness 20 years of age in 1960 the presiding Overseer was employed as a Life insurance salesman and his fleshly brother was an Assistant Congregation Overseer ,who was also a life Insurance salesman with the same firm.

    An interesting story about him and his wife that i wont go into here.

    Of course I / we have retired and own our our home and live comfortably never having had the pressure to give up our jobs as you seem to have experienced .

    Maybe it was just a really shitty conservative congregation you were stuck with and i`m sorry for your experience.

    Take care .

  • LongHairGal


    Thanks..What I experienced was simple resentfulness against independent women by sheltered morons who were hypocrites collecting pensions having been in the workforce themselves.

    My first congregation was like a time warp from the 1950s with smiling women who never worked. I guess I appeared to be an anomaly. Too bad. I had to work. The second congregation was better somewhat but still the mentality that a single young woman was there to do favors and pursue poverty like some idiot.

    I stayed on the fringes of the congregation until I ‘faded’ years later..I had a few friends here and there. Some of these were older people, single moms with a profession and a few ditsy single women waiting for Armageddon to solve their problems..The religion generated hateful attitudes towards people with careers (but mostly women!!!!! The hypocrites were more ‘accepting’ if it was a man with a career).

    Fast forward to now: I am a twenty year ‘Fader’ and Happily Retired who does not want any of these desperado Witnesses to come anywhere near me.

  • LV101

    LHG - everything was criticized out west - you were supposed to live as modestly as possible - poorer you were the better. If you weren't donating all your time to Jehovah you were not spiritual/whatever. The elders wives did whatever they wanted to do, of course. They didn't broadcast it but they racked up as many hrs working in the secular, horrible, world. As you know, everything was dependent on your family or husband's power in the cult. My friend who started working full time at the mall was criticized and her husband was an elder - most of the JW women worked a few hrs here/there, etc., but she advanced quickly to management at high end store. They both had college degrees. They idolized him and put her down for wanting to work as well as her college education. They had no children. Divorced today - good thing she loved her career because she clearly needs the benefits and retirement. They left the religion because of the horrific child abuse in hall.

  • Terry
  • LongHairGal


    Everything was criticized out East as well..The JW religion is filled with deluded hypocrites with double standards.

    I’m glad I defied the criticism and followed my gut and held onto my job until retirement..Anybody who thought single women were there to do favors can ROT - and there were too many idiots there who thought this.

    I’m glad I’m not in the religion anymore to deal with this...Imagine it now?? The attitudes in congregations are going to be positively cannibalistic towards other remaining people there - and God help if somebody looks affluent..

    If more bethelites are sent packing and dumped in the congregations - people are going to regularly be hit up constantly to give money to every Tom, Dick and Harry.. If I were stupid enough to still be there, I would have to tell some S.O.B. who came up to me with an envelope to get the hell away from me! This is the ugly reality of what the Witness religion is now.

  • LV101

    LHG - you know more about it than I do today - I'm clueless and don't ask. They were always begging for someone - I can't imagine it being worse but obviously is. A single individual must work unless they've several children and can sponge off the state aid programs. That's probably what they expected you to do or profess to be crazy like so many do to qualify for gov't checks. So much for honesty and respect for government -- pathetic cult.

  • LongHairGal


    I know what you mean about certain JWs ‘who profess to be crazy to get gov’t checks’. A married sister suggested this!!

    Another single born-in once made a remark that she would never do what I did no matter what (referring to the fact that I worked full time). It almost sounded as if she would rather have died. Whatever.

    The fact is Witnesses are afraid of the Real world and some don’t want to work and just wanted to be in the ministry. Their big mistake, sadly, was to promote hateful judgmentalism in congregations towards responsible people who DID work and prepare for retirement...For this attitude these JWs can ROT... I’d never give them anything - and I’m glad I was not contacted by JWs in this pandemic. Purportedly they were looking to ‘reactivate’ people..but I suspect they are looking for yet more candidates they can ask for money to give to desperate JWs of every sort plus those there who never wanted to work.

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