A few year ago, I had some Mormons knock on my door. It was the middle of winter and I told them I wasn't really interested but did invite them in to warm up. I do know what is it like. I did offer them some coffee ( I forgot about the caffeine thing ), I then offered them some hot Chocolate and they did accept it. We talked some religion and I explained by situation and they were quit respectful. I got the impression that they weren't really the true believers ( one had a GF who was a catholic ) and they just wanted to get there mission done and move on with their lives.
They came by the next day and offered to shovel my snow. I told them if they do it, I will by some pizzas later and we will have a meal together. I tried to just offer them money but they can't accept money for there services. After about 45 minutes I just told one of them to go inside and watch my son who was two at the time and I will take a turn on the shovel. They told me with no uncertain terms that they are in no way to be alone with someone's child, just never ever ever. I explained to them I could see them the whole time from the driveway though the living room window and they didn't really strike me as the dangerous type. They were no absolute way.
My wife came home later and I told them I would hop in the car with them to go get some Pizzas cause I am paying for them. They then told me that I can't travel in the car with them for legal reasons. Finally I gave them by credit card and even that was a battle. Something could happen and we could be blamed ........blah, blah, blah. I told them I only have a 500 dollar credit limit and they wouldn't get that far is they screwed me.
A look at the way the JWs act now and I don't know if they are completely oblivious or just dangerous creeps. Taking other people kids into strangers houses, grown ass adults hanging out with kids while having some kind of authority over them, people pretending they are Grandparents when they are not any kind of blood relative. The whole thing just makes my skin crawl at times.