Age Appropriate Friends

by Riley 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Journeyman

    I find these situations very weird. We know the JWs have a major internal problem with "inappropriate" sexual goings-on (to put it mildly), but in the congregations I've been in (admittedly not many), situations like this just wouldn't have happened (at least not openly as reported here).

    Maybe it's because I'm in an English inner city where elders tend to be much more wary and on the look-out for anything that hints of "immorality", but any kind of arrangement like the one described would've been stamped on very quickly. In my experience, it's difficult enough to make a regular ministry arrangement with a single "sister" at any time without people making comments about whether one of you is "interested" in the other, and even just a brother sitting next to a sister at the meetings a few times would get attention! Even in social groups, "younger ones" tend to be "encouraged" not to gather together too much without adults and/or family members being involved in the groupings.

    It all makes it rather stifling and dull for grown adults and single ones who genuinely want to mingle with the opposite sex without being over-policed, but it does at least mean the elders are not allowing the kind of lax contact that I frequently read of on here, which has led to so many shocking incidents.

  • vienne

    Where are her parents? Are they brain dead? Or are they just happy to have a babysitter who might eventually marry their daughter and take her off their hands?

  • LongHairGal


    It would seem that those Mormons are more realistic. NO stranger should be around anybody’s minor children. Case closed.

    The JWs are positively backwards about this topic. And is it because they are ‘oblivious’? Who knows? Also, what about when a JW guy is interested in a sister with children from a previous marriage - and one of them is an attractive young girl? And they sometimes all hang around together…(Of course, this happens in the non-Witness world as well).

    Well, I don’t need to go into details of what I observed in my time as a JW decades ago, but any woman in the JWs (or anywhere else for that matter) with a young daughter(s) who has a man show an interest in her - can never be too sure about her man!! Sorry to have to say this.

  • blondie

    Remember how deceptive pedophiles can be, they might not even see themselves as pedophiles, just being "helpful." It is sad that being careful is necessary in any group claiming to be religious. Even the jw bible says to watch out for the "wolves in sheep clothing" in the congregation. Even a man showing interest in a young boy, fathers should be the guide in the family (if he is a 'secret' pedophile is another issue), not expect other adults outside the family take on that spiritual role to teach and guide his children (and single mothers as well). I speak from my own experience and helping others deal with the bad results of this. Since the WTS does not identify known pedophiles to the congregation, parents have no idea who is a danger. As well as elder bodies deciding that pedophile is repentant and is "forgiven."

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I thought the general formula to be age/2 + 7.

    So in this case, 25/2 = 12.5 + 7 = 19.5.

    She's 3.5ish years too young.


  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i'm 23 years older than my wife.

    She's the boss.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i thought the legal age to marry ( In UK) is 16--i was wrong --

    Can You Get Married At 16? | UK Legal Age To Marry - The Mix

    • Changes to The Legal Age to Marry in UK
    • Can You Get Married at 16?
    • Getting Married in Scotland at 16
    The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 will come into force in February 2023. This change in the law will make it illegal for 16 and 17 year olds to get married or become civil partners in England and Wales. The new legal age to marry will be 18. The reason for this change in the law is the continued problem o…
    See more on
  • jhine

    I got married for the first time at the age of 16 . I had to have my parents written permission. My now late husband had just turned 19 .

    We had 42 happy years together until he died .

    So l don't know what to think of the new law . I was pregnant at the time and we wanted our child to be legitimate.

    This law would force young people to give birth while not married. I know that to many people that's not important but to some it might be .

    Jan from Tam

  • Earnest

    Whether or not it is legal to marry at the age of 16 in the UK, it is legal to have sex unless the "partner" is in a position of trust or power (a teacher, for example) such that the 16-year-old is their responsibility, in which case the age of consent is 18.

    Paradoxically, it is illegal to have intimate photographs of anyone under the age of 18.

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