Thanks for the list. I had no idea what Swaddlers were and I really like how they sound, but I fear they are expensive. The water dispenser is a good idea too.
Thanks for the link.
Very good idea! Much of my family will not be living in the same state as I will so that is a great idea! I wouldn't have thought of that, thank you.
And what's wrong w/the avatar. . maybe I should change it. . .
Why? That's not as much fun as some others. . .
Well thanks for posting anyway I guess.
You are the first to bring up stretch marks, thanks, I will be using cream. I looked up 'muslin squares' and they look like our cloth diapers, I'm sure I'll be needing a ton of those.
Thank you for your comment. That is exactly how I feel about timing. It seems as if there's never a perfect time to have a baby, but all I can say is that it feels right now. I will be taking a year off from school to gain residency in Florida, so I think that'll take some pressure off me for my first pregnancy.
Congratualtions. . we need to talk later. .
Thanks for the advice, I've never heard the not eating and drinking at the same time before. I'll definitely keep that in mind.
Mrs. Shakita-
Comments like yours just make me want a baby right now! I can tell that motherhood has been a fulfilling experience for you. Thanks for the advice too.
After reading so many replies about circumcision, I'm starting to lean towards not doing it, bI just don't know. . .
I almost bought the Girlfriend's guide. I probably still will. I love to read anyway, so at least I'll be educating myself.
I think I'll be getting an epidural most likely. I apparently don't have the proper pain threshold that other women have. I almost cried when I got my ear pierced.
Thanks for mentioning the breast pad thing, gotta remember that.
Bitching at my husband works now, so it'll work later I'm sure. Oh and I promise to treat my baby like the perfect little angel it will always be.
I don't think uncut penises look too bad, but I realize that some women do. I don't want my son having sexual problem with girls when he gets older (because of it). Most women don't mind a cut penis, but I've found that some American women think an uncut one is not ideal. I guess we'll see.
You sound just like me! I am a planner and I plan on everything going perfectly, so I'm asking advice and reading all I can; but I guess I should be careful. I have been known to overdo things. Thanks for the advice, you're great.
That sounds interesting. My husband's primary problem with circumsicion is that it may be traumatic and extremely painful to the child; but if they are somehow pain free, he might consider it.
Thanks girl, and I will be getting in contact when I get there.
You're always lookin' out for me.
I didn't know about the juice thing, I'll try not to drink TOO much (I like juice).
As far as sharing housework and such, I'm spoiled. Jon already does everything! He cooks, clean, etc. Honestly he's just about perfect!
We'll talk.
You are the first to mention SIDS and I appreciate that. I had a friend who lost her second-born and it was attributed to SIDS, so it terrifies me. I will be doing plenty of research on this subject.
Country Girl-
You scare me. The actual pain of giving birth is not my concern. I know I'll have to go through it plus your experience was atypical.
Thanks for sharing your experience with me. Was your husband okay with you not circumcising the boys?