Whatever happened to stopping the damn boasting session when something like this is happening? Fine to keep it going for such things as minor coughs and sneezes, a minor fall where someone gets right back up, or things that are more embarrassments than anything else. But, if someone needs to go to the hospital immediately, the boasting session should halt. Everyone should clear out of the vicinity so the paramedics can get in and drag the patient out, and only after the victim is gone should they even think of resuming the boasting session. Better to cut something out than to ramble on when someone is having a life-threatening episode.
I would like to have forced that scumbag to cut the whole thing short. Were I the hounder-hounder, that thing would have been hauled to the back room on the spot, the boasting session cut short without even a final song or prayer, and that scumbag that disrespectfully carried on would have had its judicial hearing right there that day. Yes, there are times to continue--if it's primarily an embarrassment (kid peeing in pants, a minor fall where they get back up, coughing and sneezing from allergies or an irritant, etc.), then continue. But a major fall (someone can't get back up), a suspicion of stroke or heart attack, or other situation that could reasonably be an emergency warrants stopping the boasting session. If it isn't that serious and the incident can reasonably be cleared up quickly, it may be fine to resume. But, if it's very serious, it should be cut on the spot. It might be necessary to make another announcement that hospital visits are advised when further notice is received, or for a funeral if necessary. But, in those circumstances, the boasting session needs to be stopped.
And, for those who cannot go without the boasting session, just go to your computer and read the damn information there. Even for a Grand Boasting Session, someone dying warrants stopping the whole program and clearing the area so the paramedics can get in there. Again, most of those sessions are posted on YouTube. Hence, there is nothing to lose by canceling the whole thing.