A sister's non-jw husband was visiting the Sunday meeting. He dropped over having a heart attack. I started CPR and another jw called 911. The ambulance was there in just a couple of minutes and took over from me (required CPR training at work). After the sister and the husband left with the ambulance, a brother came over and said I should have taken this man back to the second school...I looked at him and said, I'll remember that when you have a heart attack at the KH.
Later, I grabbed the PO (now COBOE) and told him that if I had done that I would l have been disobeying my CPR training and putting this man at risk of dying. I "suggested" that in the next elder's meeting he should go over how situations like this should be handled, identify people in the congregation with CPR training, and fill in the elders and other so-called responsible brothers that this counsel to me was totally uncalled for. The PO did that after seeing that I was the only one who immediately knew what to do (and saved this man's life).
It reminded me of the bible story about Jesus healing a man on the sabbath, and the religious leaders telling him he had sinned by healing on the sabbath. Jesus was said to say, that they would get a sheep out of ditch on the sabbath, how much more was a man worth than a sheep. jws are so focused on rules that they miss the point of helping people live.