LITS, don't kick yourself. Your husband minimized his own problem and waited to tell you. He set the tone for treating his chest pains as an inconvenience instead of a true emergency.
As an emergency worker, I have gone into a few churches. The "show" did not need to go on, and most priests/pastors seemed decent enough to make the patient a main concern.
At an emergency at a Kingdom Hall one time, they had moved the sister to the ladies room, you know-further into the Kingdom Hall instead of closer to the door. The men in charge allowed the sisters to deal with us men there to help and went back to the show, until we got her out of the Hall and some brother just had to put his suit jacket over her legs because her skirt rode up a tiny bit on our wheeled stair chair. They were so unhelpful that I made sure he didn't get his suit jacket back after we loaded her into the ambulance. At least someone called 911 for her.