While I'm fully away of the segment of mankind who likes to draw attention to their own doomsday predictions (whether its climate change, global economics or the WBTS), I'm just trying to draw peoples attention to a inescapable timetable derived from well established modeling.
That being said, the Governing Body does not have a ten or twenty year window of opportunity to turn things around. No ... they must do things now. This is because generations of people do not die off gradually in a linear manner, they are call population cliffs for a reason. And in our case, as the greatest bulk of the Brotherhood are already in their latter middle-ages, they will ALL be dead or in nursing homes in 10 years time. Doubt what I'm saying ... then just study this topic by looking at Japan. And then think of the taxation issues (by that I mean the taxation of manpower and cash) the Governing Body will have to deal with, when the Brotherhood is halved.
And you can't just say ... oh well, 8 million Brothers divided by 2 equals 4 million, that's not too bad ... no, it just doesn't work like that in real life. Other biological, psychological and economic tipping points come into play, that generate their own addition downward pressures.
Yeh ... all negative stuff for sure. And while there maybe a little time left for the Governing Body to do something, I'm not convinced that they is smart enough or brave enough, to work it out.