Reasonable and rational behavior should produce good and logical results. Unfortunately, humans all have their different needs and perceptions of how to fulfill them. Some do very well within the confines of the borg. Their life is all laid out in a neat little contractual package, with every rule and regulation outlined. As long as they fulfil the contract (baptism) then they will remain fairly stable within that lifestyle.
But, usually, as life progresses, and the human experiences a variety of things, if the person is really thinking about the whole picture, he will see how cult-like the borg is. Just let a family member suffer the wrath of punnishment for being "human" in the form of disassociation or disfellowshipping, and see what happens. Also instances where rules apply to one and not another, and when real hypocracy exists from the platform. A whole new thinking pattern comes into play, that never affected them before. Unless something rocks your boat, then you are no doubt happy in your little boat. The borg protects you, gives you purpose and hope for a better future. The price you pay is losing your own "self". Does that matter? Yes indeed it does!
In reality, the borg takes you out of reality and plops you into a mix-mash of ever-changing doctrine and rules, whereby the serious sometimes don't know which end is up. And,,,,,,,the sad thing is, they can't even make a decision on their own, without consulting the all-wise borg. Everything they do is related to the "organization". My reason says "where is god in all of this"? Where is the love and compassion that the enlightened being, Jesus taught while on earth? Why do we get involved in the first place? Well, many of us were "born" into it, or were "raised" in it by well-meaning parents, who were at a place in their life, where "something entirely different" sounded so good, so right. They bought the fairy tale. It depends on your needs. By the time your eyes are opened, you are trapped big time.
You won't be able to change your spouse; you can only change yourself. He has to want to make a change, and each little question that he has, you can make the best of the opportunity by being able to introduce just simple logic into play. For example, just the topic of cults alone should rouse him a bit to at least "think". Buy a book that you believe to be good and just leave it lying around. Mention a few points, then let it go. Even if you don't SEE him checking it out, believe me, he will. Gradually work other things into conversation. Never attack the borg directly, or he will become instantly defensive. After all, it is his life-line right now.
Keep us posted as to what happens. Remember, as the JW's are so well known for saying "that they may be won over without a word", your husband may come to really SEE what is so obvious to us.