Your question/thread will always be the underlying of all my questions here too. How the hell do you logicaly debate a subject that only has one acceptable outcome; They are right and the world is wrong. It could never be that the world is right and they are wrong. And even if the world is right for now someday; God will still distroy this system and put them in charge because their Bible says it's gona be so because they say so.
I have soundly put down arguments put before me again and again. I have finally submitted to the fact that they can put out more propaganda than anyone could counter. If anyone wants to believe it then they will. And it's their right to.
I think all doubting dubs should just debate Farkel. 10 minutes with him should be all it takes to strip things to the real truth of it all. Also, I never read the books on cults and countercults until it was too late. I read them after my relationships with the Jehovah Witnesses was just pushed to far. I wish I had given myself all the information I needed to understand that my kindness was not helping the matter and that my debating and arguing with them was making the matter worse. (I have a habit of not not debating until its to late) And I so did things the wrong way. (I still do but I am trying to be better, softer, and more understanding)
My opinion is that "The Truth" has become the "Big White Whale" of that religion. And logic has nothing to do with it. Ahab thought that he was quite logical.