What Will JW's Do If They Find Themselves Still Conscious after Death?

by Sea Breeze 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    This is an old joke you all probably have heard but maybe some haven't- A group of people were at the pearly gates and St Peter was guiding people through the halls. He cautioned all to be quiet when going past the next door. Once passed a person asked why they had to be quiet past that door? He said, " you had to be quiet because those are the jw's and they think they are the only ones here!- that was the gist of it anyway.

    Here is near death experience of a jw if you are into those- https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1sarah_w_probable_nde.html

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    JWs confused when they realize they're conscious after death? Why....the GB has admitted they "err on doctrinal matters". Confused would be an understatement.

  • Biahi

    Apostle Paul said that “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”. That is my hope.

  • enoughisenough

    If your consciousness doesn't cease, why would there ever need to be a resurrection? (duh!-you didn't die at all-just like the serpent said Eve wouldn't die ) Personally I believe what Ecc 9:5,10 says about the condition of the dead and Jesus reaffirmed that when likening Lazarus to being asleep who Martha knew would be resurrected on the last day- - And for those of you who choose not to believe the Bible at all, what difference does it make to you?

  • cofty
    And for those of you who choose not to believe the Bible at all, what difference does it make to you?

    Don't 'choose' your beliefs; follow the evidence wherever it leads.

  • slimboyfat

    I’ve been trying to work out how metaphysical idealism and the teaching of JWs on the soul and afterlife can both be true. It’s not easy, or apparent to me how they can be reconciled. I think a JW expects to wake up immediately in the new system, so initially they might believe that’s what happened. Indeed, maybe it could be what happens! If consciousness is fundamental then maybe we become part of the cosmic mind again. Again I don’t know how this reconciles with JW teaching, or with the Bible, but I think life is a huge mystery anyway and I don’t know if it will be revealed to us in the end or not. But the JW conception of paradise I do like because it’s what we’ve been striving for since the garden of Eden - whichever form it took historically.

  • Fisherman

    I agree with cofty here, there is no consciousness outside the physical body.

    —Any after life depends upon a resurrection from the dead. WT interpretation makes sense that God wants the earth to be filled with righteous people although some people can go to heaven like Jesus told his apostles that they would go there to rule as kings and be the wife of Christ but not everybody because most people stay on earth.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The WT Borg corporation breeds "confustion".

    On one hand you have the Borganization manipulating the sheeple with the ''end, the end, the end'', or ''bib A, bigA'' on which the goalposts are constantly pushed back. While you hear about this mass buildiing projects,,, planned years in advance, WTF?

    So, when the sheeple awaken in the afterlife,,,,welll confused,,,perhaps?? No body has ever come back to relate this.

    or,,,it will be some cathartic or placebo effect suddenly people will have some grand enlightenment. The Borg has continuously flip - flopped on it's doctrines, proving it doesn't know what it's talking about.

    If anything, the Borg is masters of confusion. To say the least.

  • peacefulpete

    The Bible speaks of a consciousness after death, as well the more traditional Canannite vague concept of shades. It speaks of a physical resurrection as well as a spirit resurrection. There was no one single doctrine among Jews. Every culture they interacted with left an impression.

    RESURRECTION - JewishEncyclopedia.com

    Anyone who imagines a single consistent message in the Bible is ignoring at least half of it or has to become creative and divide the people into classes.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze


    That's probably the most detailed NDE that I've ever read.

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