Watchtower Study : Jehovah Is Helping You To Succeed

by RULES & REGULATIONS 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''So why do some seem to get a lot of help from their congregation and others not ?''

    It's called cognitive dissonance and 'selective thinking'.

  • Foolednomore

    Some in the congregation have a sense of entitlement. We own a bakery and a poor sister was getting married and could not afford even a cake for a wedding day much less to say even have it in the hall. I guess she and her husband to be didn't fit into the click. No problemo! We made the bake for her and had her married at Our Villa. Food and drinks all tooking care of. She was greatful. But the congregation had gossip about us for months . Even a special needs talk was produced because of this wedding. Only a small few from the congregation where invited.

  • Foolednomore

    Jealousy and Envy ran rampant in that hall. My mom would give bread and bake cakes for some. And some would start acting up.

  • menrov

    Religious blindness --> change any situation into a positive act of God. Not unique to JW's. About all devote believers will see their God in everything.

    In the example here, from the outside, you would say: where is the almighty God with all the powers he has? Did he prevent the boy to get sick as the family is part of God's family? Did the boy recover? And who actually tried to cure the boy? Doctors who are not JW's and had a study that the WT would not support (higher education). So, if you want to see the hand of God, you can see it in the provision of educated and devoted doctors.

  • BluesBrother

    Peaceful Pete made a good comment on the previous page. To read this you would think that dubs are totally heartless,and we know that is not so.

    I recall once that a severely emotional sister had been recently housed in a tower block that scared her and gave her thoughts of jumping from the balcony. Another Witness family took her in for a bit until she was allocated a ground floor flat . That one was a wreck so lots of lads in the cong were co opted to decorate, which we deed with good grace.

    Now that only happened because one elder was caring enough to organise it . The trouble in the .Org. Is that there is no organised provision for physical care . There should be an elder position specifically for it . There is not because those at the top do not take it seriously.

  • Hellothere

    I was at store with someone. He was about to pay for his grocery. Someone from his Church just came up and paid for everything. That would have been very unusual in JW land. Problem with JWs or watchtower is their attitude. They always have hade an attitude that they only the real Christians. Better then other groups. Then they should be an example in Agape for all other groups. But they won't. Too watchtower agape is only shown when you preach. And from the broadcasting GB have shown, they don't like children, they don't care if children been abuse and they think apostate should all go up in flames in harmagedon. I think GB represents to large degree how JWs in general see things.

  • wannaexit
    I can see Jehovah’s loving hand throughout my son’s illness.''

    This makes me sick to my stomach

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    It makes us sick especially when life-saving blood is refused. Not sick, but angry to the core.

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