likes and dislikes about yourself

by SpiceItUp 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp

    No matter what area.....whether it be your body, your personality, your environment etc.....

    what do you like and dislike about yourself and your life?

    And are you trying to change your dislikes?

  • JH

    What I like about myself is that I'm generous, I'm kind, loving, calm, have a great sense of humor, very simple, I like to move around, I'm not a couch potato, unless there would be a female couch potato next to me.

    What I hate about myself is that I didn't get much out of life. Not many friends, single, not much to say when I meet someone, always routine things going on. I really wouldn't write a book about myself. There wouldn't be many pages to it. I'm still at square one in my life.

  • Mary

    LIKES: my sense of humour

    DISLIKES: too many to count

  • ScoobySnax

    I have so many dislikes about my self they are too numerous to mention, although chiefly among these, is that I can be arrogant at times, and have little patience at times. My good points are, I think, is that I'm very caring to people under my care on my ward who are scared and frightened when they come into hospital for their operations, especially the elderly. I have all the time in the day to listen to their fears and worries, and when time permits, to sit and listen, is to learn so much.

  • Sentinel

    I am sensitive, which is good; I am over-sensitive, which is not so good.

    I can be very strong when I need to be; but would rather not have to be so strong, as it takes so much from me. (physical and emotional)

    When you get to know me, my humor comes out; until then, I tend to be reserved and shy. Don't ever force me into a corner with no where to turn, as I can be vitiously protective of myself.

    I have this knack for being able to "predict" things; and my kids used to think I had eyes in the back of my head; sometimes when I have forseen something that comes to pass, it irritates those around me.

    My skin and hair is good for my age. I had this health screening done, which said that I have the body of someone 10 to 15 years younger. (I seem to have gotten some of those "wasted JW years" back.)

    When I was thin, they said "you're too skinny, gain some weight"; when I gained the weight, they said: "whoa, we didn't mean that much!". I just can't seem to please em!

    When I do lose weight, I am rewarded with "candy, ice cream and dinner's out". And, those words, "I like you just the way you are", means I am are changing and other's are feeling insecure.

    Instead of going with the moment, I tend to think everything out--all the negatives and positives. I'm such a nice person, I drive people away because they don't know how to be around me. I try to fit in, but feel like I rarely do. This comes from years of training to be in subjection, being told my feelings don't count; that I can't think for myself or make a decision. I still have to work on these things.

    I am honest and I appreciate honesty in others. I believe in facing the problem or enemy and dealing with something and getting it out in the open and resolved. I don't like the fear and the way my adrenalin is always "on call".

    I tend to want from others, the same as I give, and am disappointed when it doesn't happen...

  • mouthy

    I am generous -have a good sense of humor( methinks) that is my good points
    Bad points-???--- Talk to much-to loud-to often- I have tried shutting up... But to know avail -when I practice silence people think I am mad!!!! so I cant win. And if you remember what borgfree told you all I said to him on our first meeting is a pity I cant master it...

  • SheilaM
    Talk to much-to loud-to often- I have tried shutting up... But to know avail -when I practice silence people think I am mad!!!! so I cant win


    I can sympathize I feel the same way. I am damned if I do damned if I don't. Also if I'm not grinning all the time I am pissed at someone <GEESH> My Aunt wasn't a smilier she had my shaped mouth and people always assumed she was uppity. She wasn't she was kind and caring.

    For me I have a huge heart a generous spirit. When I love I love completly. I will give anyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

    Dislikes: I can't make friends don't know how, don't have the skill sick of trying. I see people with friends and wonder what skill I'm lacking.

    I am a PROCRASTINATOR as evidenced by the pile of homeworke at my feet as I type <sigh>

  • Englishman

    I like the fact that I'm a social animal who can move up a gear in the "thinking on one's feet" stakes when in a crowd.

    I don't like the fact that I get irritable when I'm interrupted during the course of a task or occupation. I console myself with the thought that being a mere male I can only think of one thing at once and this is me protecting myself!

    Or maybe I can just be a bit of a cantankerous old bugger at times.


  • Aztec

    Dislike: I'm very impatient Like: Short and sweet like most of my posts..hehe:p ~Aztec

  • MrMoe

    Why start a thread like this without saying your own personal likes and dislikes?

    Likes about me - I am forgiving of people who have bad mouthed me to others

    Dislikes about me - I am forgiving of people who have bad mouthed me to others

    When will I ever learn.

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