likes and dislikes about yourself

by SpiceItUp 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH


    It's great that you forgive people.

    If others abuse of your fogiveness, shame on them.

  • MrMoe

    Sometimes though you can become a doormat. I'm working on it!

  • manon

    Likes: Optimism, sense of fun & humor, drive Dislikes: Walking around with a rain cloud over my head.

  • SpiceItUp

    Thanks fro all the replies.

    I am very happy to say that I now have more likes than dislikes about myself.

    I like the fact that I am strongwilled and no longer let most people treat me like a doormat and even though I have lost "friends" like that I have learned that they really wern't my friends to want such control over me. I like the fact that I am kind, honest and trustworthy. All my true friends know that they can count on me to do anything within my power to help them out.

    I dislike the fact that I can never make up my mind about certain things. I also dislike it that certain people still know how to manipulate me to their advantage.

    Moe- cause patience is a virtue

  • be wise
    be wise
    I can sympathize I feel the same way. I am damned if I do damned if I don't. Also if I'm not grinning all the time I am pissed at someone <GEESH> My Aunt wasn't a smilier she had my shaped mouth and people always assumed she was uppity. She wasn't she was kind and caring.

    For me I have a huge heart a generous spirit. When I love I love completly. I will give anyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

    Dislikes: I can't make friends don't know how, don't have the skill sick of trying. I see people with friends and wonder what skill I'm lacking.

    I am a PROCRASTINATOR as evidenced by the pile of homeworke at my feet as I type <sigh>

    SheilaM, you are me reincarnated – figure that!

    Sorry, I thought it was just me.

  • wednesday

    I'm a genreous and forgiving person. people who know me say i am a bit dry and witty, and a nonconformist.

    i talk too much and tend to repeat myself. i must be perfect. I worry about evrey stupid mistake i've ever made.

  • nilfun

    like: I taught myself how to read.

    dislike: I am unloveable.

  • SheilaM

    Be Wise:

  • be wise
    be wise

    Ahhhh! I feel better now!

    SheilaM, I understand you,You Poor Gal.

  • sandy

    Likes - My sense of humor, hair, breastases, generous

    Dislikes - too shy, big time procrastinator, big feet for a short person

    Those are just a few, I am sure I could fill up a book with good and bad.

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