Jehovah provides Javier a part-time job

by RULES & REGULATIONS 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LongHairGal


    While you are absolutely correct about the JW religion’s leaders not having lived in the Real world that you and I live in, I was generally referring to the elders in the congregations I attended.

    Most of these effin hypocrites did live in the ‘real’ world. Many were in the workforce when they were young and still were. The eldest were collecting pensions and the younger ones on their way to.. But YET these hypocrites knocked ME because I was in that very same workforce. Was it because I was female? Most definitely - and there is NO forgiveness for this.

    They didn’t tell some brother to quit his job and clean toilets. But, yet, they tried this with me.. However, I REFUSED to follow in the footsteps of other single women there and didn’t care with what anybody thought.. Today, I consider it worth every penny that I was shunned by hypocrites of all ages back then.

    As I mentioned previously, these older people have passed away so nobody can tell them off or hold them accountable, unfortunately.. The next best thing I have done is tell Witnesses my age group still in the religion that I am Glad I never listened and won’t tolerate anybody coming near me now looking for money!

  • Balaamsass2

    Yes, Jehovah doesn't have time to intercede on behalf of millions of sick, enslaved, homeless widows and orphans around the world, but gets this moron a pt job asap!

    Hard to believe anyone with the internet still thinks this Watchtower excrement is inspired.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The thing with part time jobs is that they are very few and far between and often unstable. It’s for companies that don’t need a full time person to do some menial task. It’s mostly intended as a “side job” like Uber/Lyft to complement your full time job and work a little harder to make some extra money while you are young, so it often doesn’t have the same benefits and protections, especially outside the US.

    As others have said, most of the “millions now living” from the cover of that magazine have already died and if you were a child like me when that magazine was published, you’re now having children of your own entering the workforce and maybe you even have grandchildren. If I had done that, worked part time for all these years, I couldn’t afford kids, I couldn’t afford a house, I couldn’t afford savings for pensions, I wouldn’t have learned on the job as I have. Keep em poor and stupid.

  • LV101

    Hey, Longy & Magnum -- you both have/had more faith than I that the charlatan leaders believed their looming end drama. What a great recruiting/labor scheme/motivation. I remembered the 1975 hype couple decades before I started reading the effective, propaganda, mags. Quite a shtick.

    Hope your wife finds a great job, Magnum. Hearing more employers prefer older, mature, responsible, reliable, employees, although challenging times on the horizon w/overseas cheap labor and AI takeover.

    Enjoy that retirement, Longy -- I'm sure your JW acquaintances/friends from yesteryear would love to have one.

    Thank goodness we all skedattled from the mess.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Of all the hard core pioneer's I remember from the 80's, I don't think any are still pioneering.

    As we were getting close to the end of the century, it seemed expectations were rampant about the end. So many self-righteous JW's giving their opinions to the younger ones about how we should live our lives and sadly, myself included, many of us took educational advice that affects us decades later.

    Time bit many of those pioneer's right in the arse and they too have had to play catch up , dropping pioneering, getting full time jobs to afford kids and a roof over their heads. Somehow, many of them still manage to remain self-righteous, when they should be ashamed of themselves.

  • LongHairGal


    Good that we all skedaddled from that mess.

    I wasn’t yet in the JWs in 1975 so I missed out on all the fun. If the world had ended I wouldn’t have known what hit me. I was in blissful ignorance in the Catholic religion. Whatever. Maybe I was less susceptible to JW manipulation? Who knows.

    In the earlier years on this forum I said I didn’t want to be around Jehovah’s Witnesses when reality hit them because I knew this ‘no retirement preparation’ was going to be disastrous for them 👎. Well, we saw it happen. Reality certainly has hit them: the 1995 Generation teaching; the turn of the new century 2000 with nothing happening; the changed/dropped teachings in 2023 and now we are in 2025.

    Everybody there got old. Many passed away. Some there got old being prepared for retirement; others not prepared at all 😮.

    Now here we are all OUT and on this forum being spectators watching the religion still giving the same bad advice all these years later in spite of many testimonials showing it was a failure.

  • hoser


    Young, healthy pioneers are a potential workforce for elders who own businesses to draw from.

    They can OWN you!

    They can skirt labour code laws and you are less likely to quit as they have you entwined in the congregation and their business.

    Thats why they want you to quit your good full time job and work part time cleaning.

    They or one of their elder friends own the cleaning company

  • WTWizard

    And what about taking the full time offer, putting some money away into silver, and when the dollar becomes toilet paper or you get a sizable stack of silver, you have the option of taking the demotion or quitting. That will also safeguard your wealth against inflation and hyperinflation, making at least that worry a bit less.

    But no, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger wants people to cut back so they can pious-sneer. How much does that pay? Do you get extra life when you can supposedly live forever even if you only do one hour a month and miss some of the boasting sessions for work? Or, since when do you owe that beady-eyed monster thing anything at all? That hyper-abomination imposes its rules on us. Perhaps it is the one that needs to mind its own damn business and let us live our lives. Not to mention, what happens when regular inflation continues after you cut back on work?

  • DesirousOfChange
    Jehovah answered Javier's prayer with a part-time job. In the meantime, Jehovah never answered the prayers from humans who were suffering from droughts, famine, diseases, earthquakes, poverty, violence, human slavery, war, child labor, etc. etc. -- R&R
    Jehovah doesn't have time to intercede on behalf of millions of sick, enslaved, homeless widows and orphans around the world, but gets this moron a pt job asap! -- BA


    I don't care if it's Jerhover or Christendom's God of choice, both are said to be ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING, ALL LOVING, etc. I just do NOT see evidence of that claim!

    God is either NOT ALL POWERFUL or else NOT ALL LOVING (OR BOTH) based on what goes on what we see happening in the World today. Any mortal human who gives a shit AND who has the power/ability to stop the horrendous things taking place in the world, would do so!

    But God lets it all continue. He either doesn't know, or doesn't give a shit, or is impotent about doing anything to stop it.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, that’s correct that brothers with businesses like to employ other Witnesses. Sadly, I have heard in some cases they underpay them or try to get away with other things!

    In my opinion, young Witnesses would be well advised to get work elsewhere! Maybe initially it may sound good to accept a job working for Witnesses - but think of the big picture.. What happens when a young Witness decides he wants out of the religion? He would get fired and otherwise be made miserable. [This scenario also works in reverse if a Witness business owner decides to leave the religion. All his/her Witness customers will pull the rug out from under them and leave.]

    Any young Lurkers here should think hard about this and maybe politely decline that job offer from Brother Business Owner.

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