Data can be used for all kinds of reasons.
In the OP data have been cherry-picked to support the idea that illegal immigration isn't bad and that illegal immigrants are no better or worse than the average US citizen (as if the avg US citizen travels to countries illegally!). The implication is that undocumented immigrants are nothing to worry about and if people make a big deal about it, they're probably xenophobic.
I remember hearing about a study done on IQs and Trump voters. It found that mean IQ varied from state to state and the states with the lower mean IQs were republican states. Now, this may be true. I have no trouble accepting it because different mean IQs for different groups is fine. But why was this study published? Typically IQ studies among different groups are taboo - they're either buried or not even attempted. I'm guessing this one was published to support the narrative that Trump supporters are of low intelligence and that the Democrats will win the next election, thanks to their intelligent, educated fan base.