Immigration: The Truth about the LIe - CRIME
by Wonderment 61 Replies latest social current
What your title should have said was: “Does ILLEGAL Immigration Increase Crime?” The answer would be YES. Read the other posts on this thread.
Legal immigrants (generally speaking) are law abiding citizens and are not bringing the place down like the illegal ones are.
I see tent cities, migrant camps, roving gangs in addition to general civil unrest and strife in the US’s future if this illegal immigration is not gotten under control.
This should never have been allowed to happen!! Anybody who thinks they are not going to be negatively impacted at some point by this fiasco is deluding themselves.
Still Totally ADD
I know there is a president who has increased crime! Lol. Remember when you are pointing a finger at someone four are pointing back. Merry o round of the sky is pink and the grass is blue. Still Totally ADD
Sugar Shane
“The Truth About Crime,” brought to you by none other than Stefan Molyneux of “Freedomain Radio.” If you’re a regular listener of this guy, then you should check out what Steve Hassan has to say about him:
@Sugar Shane:
Notice the article doesn’t give any reasons. Just a blanket labeling. He was on Joe Rogan and the Rubin Report and answered all of these allegations. They are baseless.
Did you watch the video? Did you notice that it was backed up with facts and statistics?
“The Truth About Crime,” brought to you by none other than Stefan Molyneux of “Freedomain Radio.” If you’re a regular listener of this guy, then you should check out what Steve Hassan has to say about him:
Not an argument.
Sorry, couldn't resist!
Sugar Shane
Just sayin.’ He sounds a little “out there.” Apparently, even JOE ROGAN is on to him.
And what’s with this defooing shit Stefan promotes. Apparently it’s already resulted in the breakup of families of some of his FOLLOWERS. It’s culty and weird. Remember Art Bell from Coast to Coast Radio? He fell for it and cut off all ties with his family. I’m just shocked that former J-Dubs would buy into this culty weirdness.
And speaking of Rogan:
@Sugar Shane: I’ll watch the Joe Rogan interview with Anna, as well as JRE 680, Hassan’s episode. The last interview he had with Moloneux was episode 538 when he answered these questions directly, but I’m interested in the actual reasons why Hassan would call him a cult leader. To me it seems absurd. He’s always said that you should deal with abusive family members while going to a competent therapist, and to make your own choices about it in the end.
A lot of the value in his “Truth of” videos comes from the relentless backing of just about everything with sources that I can look up and verify - as it was with the video above.
It just doesn’t hold any weight... the term is overused and brandished to as another common insult throw out like “nazi” or “bigot”. I’ll let you know what I think of the videos.
resolute Bandicoot
Never a JW -
"Holy shit! ...a video about the lower IQ of the immigrants (with 4 likes already). Even if the statistics support the claims, this type of video will lead us the way of the Third Reich. We are in a lot of deep , very deep shit. "Blood and soil" rears its ugly head again""
On the subject of the third Reich, it was Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini who talked Hitler into the "final Solution" for the Jews