they sure did sbf - together with most of our activists who combined science and christianity and this prolly also accounts for some of the ambiguities there
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop 236 Replies latest social current
Merkel is presented as making a big mistake, but she stated the situation very elegantly early in 2015 when she said:
"Wir schaffen dass!"
Meaning we can do this. It may be difficult to welcome people from a different culture and there may be problems. But Germany and other countries are equal to the challenge. Compassion and the lessons of history demanded that we take refugees fleeing for their lives. Germans know this better than most. They are to be commended and supported, and Sweden too, not lied about for political reasons.
What is the difference between a moderate Muslim and a Jihadist?
What is the difference between a peaceful shoemaker in Dresden in the 1300 century and
Sprenger and Krames who wrote “Maleus Malificarum” “The witch hammer” …
What is the difference between the Pope Urban the 2nd. Who ordered the Crusades and his fellow Italian winemaker “Frederico” who just prayed for a good wine harvest?
What is the difference between Luther, Calvin and S. Lett and other religious leaders and their ordinary cong. members….
The difference is that the few that have a leading position believes that God is with us…The other are not quite that sure….
Merkel is presented as making a big mistake, but she stated the situation very elegantly early in 2015 when she said: "Wir schaffen dass!" -
Yes, this was before it became obvious that her immigration policy was a mistake.
The basic argument from the anti-Muslim commenters is that you just can't trust Muslims, however they may appear on the outside. Am I wrong?
So, you must support kicking out all Muslims, since none can be trusted. Or are there special circumstances in which you're comfortable letting them stay. Maybe walled ghettos will solve the problem. I'm not being facetious here, what is it that you want aside from the eradication of Islam?
The basic argument from the anti-Muslim commenters is that you just can't trust Muslims however they may appear on the outside - unfortunately, this might be correct at the present time.
what is it that you want aside from the eradication of Islam? - I want a reformation, similar to the one that tamed Christianity.
I support kicking out foreign-born terrorists, extremists and hate preachers.
I support not letting back in those who've gone abroad to wage jihad.
I support government drastically restricting and vigorously vetting the number of Muslim migrants coming into my country.
I support government-friendly mosques who'll work with governments to combat extremism.
I support all brave reformers, such as Maajid Nawaz, in the work they do.
Finally, I support the West in wiping out terrorists.
The difference is the faith of a moderate Muslim makes them an asset to the community.
What utter bunkum.
It's amazing how people run from this question. It's really simple but let me make it clearer. The context is the religion:
As it relates to their Islamic beliefs, what is the difference between a moderate Muslim and a Jihadist?
If you can't come up with a clear answer and differentiator, does it mean there is no real clear difference and isn't it pretty damning that it's so hard to separate them?!
Some "funny" (but true) suggestions for inspiration:
The difference between a moderate Muslim and a Jihadist is how far away from the bomb they like to stand.
The difference between a moderate Muslim and a Jihadist is that a Jihadist wants to kill you whereas a moderate wants a Jihadist to kill you.
what is it that you want aside from the eradication of Islam?
I want us to stop allowing their backward ideology to be setup and promoted freely, often with government funding or with backing from foreign oppressive regimes.
I want them held to the same level of accountability when they preach hate speech and suggest that entire races or groups should be killed.
I want them to stop interfering in schools and pushing their propaganda on young children.
I want people who oppose it to be free to oppose it and those who want to leave it to be free to leave it.
I want people that violate our laws to be prosecuted like everyone else is instead of pulling out their "Muslim, so untouchable" card even when they've just butchered some young girl.
I want idiots to stop thinking that wanting to end an ideology means you want to kill all the people. I'd like the WTS to end, it doesn't mean I want all JWs rounded up and executed.
Interesting read written by real Swedish people on the situation in Sweden concerning rapes.
I'm sorry but justification of rape or attempting to discredit the raw statistics is unacceptable in a modern civilized society and the media and all those attempting to cover up the catastrophe in Sweden are vile.
Islam is now an international problem
I want them held to the same level of accountability when they preach hate speech and suggest that entire races or groups should be killed.
Totally agree with you, but the real problem is that they think they work with God…
The site you are referring to does not represent the real truth. In fact the Swedish laws have changed quite considerably during the 5-10 years. Raping is now considered quite a very hard crime. Even the an accusation, of rape makes the police quite alert and every case is brought up to the court. Remembering Julian Assange, prisoner at the equator embassy in London…here is a link to the situation:
It makes the accusation increase with 100%....Lots of girls are relieved by only the fact they know that the state of Sweden listen to them…