Glad I didn't waste my time writing letters
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow 184 Replies latest jw friends
It will drag on, it is not final. Rather than the ban'em all, it would have been interesting to have the individuals who write, authorize , order others to distribute, these hidden threats brought to justice, expose what, by whom is really taught and thought.
waton: It will drag on, it is not final.
The WTS has 30 days to appeal - which they will do.
However, the only thing that they can appeal on are procedural points. They cannot just say - "we are right and you are wrong in this verdict" and proceed to enter new evidence. They can't do that. They have to prove a procedural point of the hearing was wrong. The WTS will have very little wiggle room on an appeal.
It won't matter if the WTS tries to involve the ECHR - they already tried that and the documents were rejected as having no bearing on the charges being considered.
As far "banning all of them" goes, what is happening is that the organization is being dismantled - property seized and no more WTS in Russia. No more HLC and no more congregational instructions. Belief can still be held, there just won't be any support for it. And practices (preaching, blood refusal, etc) will not be allowed. If the Russian JWs' faith is dependent on instructions from the WTS and the reading of WT approved literature, then I suppose you could say that they are all 'banned'.
Brokeback Watchtower
Let's hope this banning of the Watchtower extremist cult catches on in other places besides Russia.
"The WTBTS should have sought to make an accommodation with the government. Once again they do nothing and throw their members under the bus. "
The poor rank & file will be convinced to go 'underground' providing sport for the Russian security orgs when they have more than enough to do.
There are apx 175,000 jw in Russia. The wt has more than enough money to repatriate them to safety and set them up with a house and basics but the wt wont as they want more martyrs. The Russian govt could do worse than tell wt to take these people and feed house and look after them.
Interesting how I found out about the decision in Russia. I was at work, in a meeting, and we all took a break. When we were in the lounge, one of the fellas I work with told me, as he was reading it on his phone, that the Russians banned the Jehovah's.
This guy is really cool about it, and none of the fellas I work with know my true status or situation. They just know me as a dub, but I am not anal like the other dubs they have had contact with.
As far as the ban, I am pleased. I'm not overly concerned how it affects the little dubbies, just happy that the Governing Bastards got hit in the pocketbook. They lost their precious real estate. That's all they care about.
As far as help goes, I know they cannot expect any help from the UN. That's for sure.
The Governing Bastards embarrassed the UN when they falsely agreed to support the UN Charter and they are not going to forget it.
Having been to the UN DPI and having sat at the same table where Ciro sat when he set the whole thing up, and talking to officers there about it, I can tell you that they want nothing more to do with likes of the WTBTS.
GBastards, you are on your own.
In years to come there will be a story of a JW 'sister' going door to door and the police seeking her out and she changed her coat to escape them-and repeatedly was put into prison where some of her children were born as every time she was released, she just got caught again. So, tragically, and all because the Russians are so mean, those poor children grew up without a mother in their lives.
Jeez. I don't even want to read the accounts of (not so)secret JWs going door to door doing their thing in defiance of CEASAR just so they can promote their stupid ass religion, get thrown into prison to be martyrs and have their children raised by their long suffering dad who is trying to raise children with no partner.
I think it's really terrible that the Russian government banned the JW.... Yes, they have done many mistakes (and held them accountable for that) but they are peaceful people. Religious freedom should be respected. Today is the JW, tomorrow could be us.
think it's really terrible that the Russian government banned the JW.... Yes, they have done many mistakes (and held them accountable for that) but they are peaceful people.
mf: They did not ban the people, did they? they banned the wt bts inc, org, the originators, enforcers of the hate.
Sad to say but expect the GB heads to use this banning as a proving example that the end is near and persecution is starting to ramp up against them.