Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final

by OrphanCrow 184 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    I really want to see the country leaders, religious false prophets and all those who tried to stamp us out have to come to the realization that they were all wrong, and then.......destruction. Instant removal would be too good for them. Let them all know what they have done. And then Jehovah will end them once and for all. Arrogance has no place left to hide.

    And they wonder why they are being labelled extremist. They have hate in their hearts and wish for the destruction of anyone and everyone who opposes them.

    Does it not occur to these numnuts that they are posting these comments in a public forum....

    ...and that there are officials in Russia who can read English....

    ...and these officials will see these comments as validation that JWs are "extremists"?


    No, that's too kind.

    Moronic, brain-dead, nitwitted a-holes who couldn't think their way out of a tissue-paper bag.

  • TheWonderofYou
  • cobweb

    Watchtower set this up excellently with the assembly videos last year. Russian police coming for a group of JWs gathered in the basement. The guy going to prison. And how here we are. Its like the GB knew.

    The entire context of this: Trump & Putin, headlines about world war three. There is an awful lot for the JW mind to latch onto. People reported increased memorial attendance and I can see why.

  • TheWonderofYou

    I assume that now much more donations will fill the accounts which will be squandered for court cases, investments and blood management research.

    Will adult and minor JW now be forced to accept blood in Russia?
    Do excommunicated have the right to ask for compensation payments?

    Have all bibles and magazins in private homes to be given back handed over to the government and will they be shipped back to america soon?

  • TheWonderofYou

    Vivid discussion about the ban in discussion forum of the Austrian newspaper . "Der Standard" Already 279 postings.



    "The ZJ have embittered and fought legally against Austria's refusal to acknowledge them. This ultimately led to the fact that Austria has completely redesigned its recognition rights for religious communities."

    "There is no good thing about the systematic elimination of child abuse, the refusal of life-saving blood transfusions, the shunning of dropouts and other thoughts, the contempt for the LGBT community, the indoctrinating of phobias (the armagedon, the devil). Good people would be. Against child abuse abuse, but this is not possible in the ZJ system because the internal jurisdiction is deterred ..."

    "Is not it that a Jehovah's Witness who marries someone who is not a witness himself is then expelled from the community and thus immediately by the whole family?

    "It took 1800 years until the church and the secular power were separated, it probably takes so long until the people separate themselves from leaving."

    Stupidity is just like cancer: everyone has it in itself.

    "Well It depends on the members For example, I have in relatives those who have broken off contact with us because we are evil Catholics;) And just a few days ago I learned that a relative of mine (ZJ) (20 years old) is now married ...She has known him already 1 year and has been engaged for 5 months ... The man was selected by her parents. Well, of course he is a witness. I've expected it somehow, but then I've fallen out of all the clouds ... Something like that still exists in Europe in 2017?!?

  • Drearyweather

    Interesting point about the Russian courts and the Orthodox Church in the NY Times article:


    Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses, Calling It an Extremist Group

    MOSCOW — Russia’s Supreme Court on Thursday declared Jehovah’s Witnesses, a Christian denomination that rejects violence, an extremist organization, banning the group from operating on Russian territory and putting its more than 170,000 Russian worshipers in the same category as Islamic State militants.

    The ruling, which confirmed an order last month by the Justice Ministry that the denomination be “liquidated” — essentially eliminated or disbanded — had been widely expected. Russian courts rarely challenge government decisions, no matter what the evidence.



    The denomination suffered relentless persecution by the KGB during the Soviet era, and after more than a decade of relative peace following the collapse of Communism in 1991, it again became a target for official harassment under a 2002 anti-extremism law. That law makes it illegal for any group, other than the Orthodox Church and other traditional religious institutions, to proclaim itself as offering a true path to religious or political salvation.

  • stillin

    It seems to me that banning the religion is over the top. The practices of the religion that are held,in such contempt should be what are addressed. There should be clear laws that forbid those things. When the law is broken, the person's involved should be brought to justice.

    Yes, those wrongs are pervasive in the JW religion. You can see why they got out their biggest set of generalities to categorize this religion as worthy of banning. But the fact is that if the JW leadership had made the appropriate responses and corrected the wrongs, recognizing their own faults, there would be no broad banning of the religion. If there are Russian laws that protect individual Russian citizens, then take the individual doers or bodies of elders or the branch workers to court when laws are broken.

    Who cares if there is a religion made up of people that want to pet tigers? Who cares if they want to believe in an invisible Kingdom? Really, if mandatory alternative public service was a choice, who cares if there's a religion that won't kill the current enemies of Russia, as long as the people comply with the law? But if the individual Witness doesn't comply, that's what laws are for.

    I can't bring myself to rejoice at this latest development. I am saddened that the JW leadership is so stubborn as to not work these things out with the laws of the land.

  • pbrow

    Russia straight up bans a religion (ideology) and people here are happy about it? Your personal grievances against this religion are irrelevant.

    What part of totalitarian thought police do you folks not understand? Do you really want a government telling you what organization you can or cannot belong to??

    Can you imagine what would happen if Russia even attempted to ban islam?


  • Finkelstein

    Your personal grievances against this religion are irrelevant.

    This religion kills people and destroys lives, you think that's irrelevant from a humanitarian perspective ?

    Can you imagine what would happen if Russia even attempted to ban Islam?

    I would stand up and applaud the Russian government as well for pretty much the same reasons as the JWS cult.

  • OrphanCrow
    pbrow: Can you imagine what would happen if Russia even attempted to ban islam?

    If it had been all Christian religions that got banned in Russia, it would make sense to make that inquiry. That didn't happen. Just one very small Christian sect got banned - the JWs. It is not realistic to equate the banning of a small religion that calls itself Christian with the banning of all of Islam

    In Russia there is at least one Islamic sect that is banned - the Tabligh Jamaat missionary movement of the Sunni Muslims was banned in 2013.


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