Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final

by OrphanCrow 184 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    If you poke a bear for long enough, eventually it will bite!

    The society has been arrogantly poking at Russia for many, many years.....(including by insinuation during those appalling videos during the 2016 conventions.)

    The Russian Bear has bitten back...

  • stuckinarut2

    Added to my last post:

    Not that I agree that it should have happened mind you! There were far better ways for the govt to act against the society as many have already stated.

    Banning will just reinforce the persecution complex and make witnesses more determined! The average witness will NOT look at the very valid reasons WHY the society has been classed as "extremist". They will simply be emboldened in their devotion to the society...

  • OrphanCrow

    You know, regardless of whether people are for or against this ban, I have yet to hear anybody wish bad upon the Russian JWs. Even those who support the ban have never called for the destruction/death of the JWs themselves. And yet, this is what is a typical response from the JWs (jwtalk):

    If banning us in Russia puts that country in a bad light, wait until they start arresting our dear brothers and sisters. Let the world see the Russian Government putting thousands of brothers and sisters in jail, along with children, infants and our dear older ones. As much as the world hates the message we preach, they will still be appalled at the outright denial of human rights and the freedoms that we all hold dear around the world. I really hope we all get to see the faces of all those who opposed us in this time of the end, I really want to see the country leaders, religious false prophets and all those who tried to stamp us out have to come to the realization that they were all wrong, and then.......destruction. Instant removal would be too good for them. Let them all know what they have done. And then Jehovah will end them once and for all. Arrogance has no place left to hide.

    And they wonder why they are being labelled extremist. They have hate in their hearts and wish for the destruction of anyone and everyone who opposes them.

    Not only that, but they look forward to the Russian JWs getting arrested. Why? For a 'witness'. How sick. To use those JWs as visible 'proof' that the JWs are right. I have yet to hear of anyone who supports the ban hope for the arrest and persecution of the Russian JWs but the JWs themselves do. Sick people.

  • stuckinarut2

    wow! Thanks for posting that orphancrow! What a disturbing post from the JWTALK site!!

    It seems that they would get some sort of sick joy out of seeing their "brothers and sisters" imprisoned in order to prove a point!

    Martyrdom at its finest!

  • cobweb


    That post must be pretty typical. They just can't see it, can they, the contradiction between this:

    appalled at the outright denial of human rights and the freedoms that we all hold dear around the world

    and this:

    really want to see the country leaders, religious false prophets and all those who tried to stamp us out have to come to the realization that they were all wrong, and then.......destruction. Instant removal would be too good for them.

  • Finkelstein

    religious false prophets

    Oh man that's ironic

    destruction. Instant removal would be too good for them.

    Wow how compassionate to actually will someones death, a proving example of Christianity is it not ?

    I said it before that the JWS are apathetically cruel on may levels, one being they cant wait for the majority of mankind to be killed off so they themselves can live on in a earthly Paradise, taking over all the luxury possessions owned by those who were killed.

    Hup you've got to love those JW peppers

  • pale.emperor


    “They pose a threat to the rights of the citizens, public order and public security,” she told the court.

    True. WT would have it's members forgo their personal goals and aspirations to slave for them. They would hide molestation against children to protect their image.

    Borisova also said the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ opposition to blood transfusions violates Russian health care laws.

    Again, true. And according to Ray Franz half of the GB when he served thought it should be a matter of personal choice.

    During the hearing, one witness, identified as Natalia Koretskaya from St. Petersburg, testified that she was a member of the group from 1995 to 2009, TASS news agency reported. She said top church officials purported to enforce church rules "but in real fact the talk is about total control of an individual’s personal life — his intimate life, education and work."

    VERY TRUE (as we all know personally)

    Im torn. Im glad they're banned but it's bad on the Russian JW's that dont know they're in a cult. The JW's outside Russia will be so happy, "armageddon is closer!! Return to Jehovah!!"


    If banning us in Russia puts that country in a bad light, wait until they start arresting our dear brothers and sisters. Let the world see the Russian Government putting thousands of brothers and sisters in jail, along with children, infants and our dear older ones.....JWTalk

    I have yet to hear of anyone who supports the ban hope for the arrest and persecution of the Russian JWs but the JWs themselves do. Sick people.....Orphan Crow

    Neither have I..

    Watchtower will continue to encourage JW`s, to break Russian Law..

    JW`s are more than happy to martyr themselves for the WBT$..

    JW`s will sacrifice their own children, for the WBT$..


    "Here Ya Go WatchTower!"

    Image result for baal

  • Sorry

    Eh, I don't really know how to feel about this. On one hand, I'm glad Russia has recognized the obvious. Then again, this whole ban will simply feed on the persecution complex, and the GB/regular dubs alike are gonna ride that train til the wheels fall off.

    My mother kept saying: "Just like the Bible predicted, government turning on religion, and our own people being persecuted." I pointed out to her that any religion that isn't apart of the Russian Orthodox Church is catching heat by their government. Her response: "But those aren't the true religion!" Just sad...

  • TD

    I'm not sure if I understand the notion that religious freedom should be absolute.

    Why shouldn't it be subject to the same conditions and restrictions as equally important human liberties like the right to free speech?

    To use a classic example, nobody has the right to shout, "Fire!" in a crowded theater. Your right ends at the point where others are harmed by it.

    Why wouldn't religions that harm children fall under the same rubric?

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