No facts about the world are absolutely certain. That being the case I wonder how others would rank amd rate their confidence in various factual statements about the world. I am going to rate my confidence in ten items of "knowledge" as a percentage. I wonder if we're mostly on the same page or complete opposites on the forum.
1. The earth is a sphere rather than flat in shape. 99.9%
2. Global warming is a real phenomenon of serious concern that is caused by human activities. 70%
3. Life on Earth evolved its many forms through the process of natural selection. 98%
4. The gospels are based on a real apocalyptic preacher called Jesus who lived in first century Palestine. 50%
5. J F Rutherford was a drunk who cheated on his wife with various women. 65%
6. Smoking causes lung cancer. 99%
7. Men really walked on the moon. 95%
8. Consciousness survives death. 10%
9. Moses wrote the Pentateuch. 5%
10. Dragons exists. 0.1%
11. Homeopathy is effective beyond placebo. 1%
12. O J Simpson was innocent. 3%
13. Scotland will be an independent country within 20 years. 80%
14. There will be a nuclear war sometime in the 21st century. 60%
15. The New Testament originally contained the divine name. 51%
16. At least one of the presidents of the Watchtower was homosexual. 75%
17. The universe began in a Big Bang around 14 billion years ago. 85%
18. China is the country with the most people. 97%