In theory everything should be less than 100% - can I prove that we're not in a computer simulation for instance and all bet's are off? We have to trust the reality we appear to live in.
1. The earth is a sphere rather than flat in shape. 99.9%
100% - I can see it myself from a plane (although it's not a perfect sphere)
2. Global warming is a real phenomenon of serious concern that is caused by human activities. 70%
99% because the overwhelming majority of scientists in the field say it is and the ones who say it isn't have obvious agendas and biases (oil company money). It's the exact same game-plan that the cigarette manufacturers used.
3. Life on Earth evolved its many forms through the process of natural selection. 98%
99% we can see it happening and have the fossil record and new discoveries being made all the time to reinforce the theory
4. The gospels are based on a real apocalyptic preacher called Jesus who lived in first century Palestine. 50%
10%. It is an amalgamation of previous stories and pretty much nothing written about him by people at the time, all the eyewitness accounts being 70+ years later. There were probably preacher types around that time that some would say fit the rough description but Jesus as in the books? nah ...
5. J F Rutherford was a drunk who cheated on his wife with various women. 65%
I don't really care
6. Smoking causes lung cancer. 99%
Yup, same as making the earth smoke causes earth-cancer
7. Men really walked on the moon. 95%
99% because if they hadn't then the ideologically opposed Russians would have said so. Saying they didn't requires them to be part of the conspiracy. The programmes about "fake moon landings" are in the same bucket as "we saw a sasquatch" and "there was a ghost in my house" - nutters with blurred photos who don't have a basic grasp of how shadows and light sources work.
8. Consciousness survives death. 10%
0% we can trigger the sensation people get which is what the whole thing seems to be based on (along with wishful thinking).
9. Moses wrote the Pentateuch. 5%
0% even if he existed, he couldn't have written all of it - especially the part about what happened after he died.
10. Dragons exists. 0.1%
1% please let Game of Thrones be true (I get one "wishful thinking" option)
11. Homeopathy is effective beyond placebo. 1%
0% zero evidence. But placebo's work and amazingly are getting more effective (but only for Americans). Seriously, that is true.
12. O J Simpson was innocent. 3%
1% a terrible indictment of the US criminal justice system that isn't setup to deal with celebrities. Same for MJ (or anyone else with 'J' as a last initial?)
13. Scotland will be an independent country within 20 years. 80%
25% I think that was a dream by older nationalist types, younger people would rather be part of something bigger. Scotland would always struggle on it's own especially as the Oil is used up (25% is more because people may want to jettison the regions at some point).
14. There will be a nuclear war sometime in the 21st century. 60%
50% We've been through more tense times earlier in the nuclear era (and the US dropped nuclear bombs so haven't we already had one?). I think there will likely be a devastating explosion at some point though, most likely terrorism or someone nuking a terrorist region.
15. The New Testament originally contained the divine name. 51%
60% but the divine name isn't what people think it is. Whether an original manuscript had a certain word is not proof or disproof of much other than whether it had that word.
16. At least one of the presidents of the Watchtower was homosexual. 75%
10% there haven't been that many and I doubt anyone would have climbed to the very top with such a secret and it not come out.
17. The universe began in a Big Bang around 14 billion years ago. 85%
95% it's the best explanation we have that fits all the known scientific measurements and theories, most importantly why there would be no "before" (no gravity = no time).
18. China is the country with the most people. 97%
95% just because I always hear that it is but don't know how close any other countries are. India always seems more jam packed with people