. The earth is a sphere rather than flat in shape. 99.9% Pictures from space....
2. Global warming is a real phenomenon of serious concern that is caused by human activities. 50% I have no doubt it's warming up. But I doubt humans are a major contributer. (Minor yes) We are springing back from the last ice age and also the world was warmer in the 900s no matter what Al Gore claims./
3. Life on Earth evolved its many forms through the process of natural selection. 99.9% Genetics prove that without a shadow of a doubt
4. The gospels are based on a real apocalyptic preacher called Jesus who lived in first century Palestine. 15% No go here. Jesus was invented partly by Philo in the The comcept of a Logos and partly by a break off from the Essenes cult in the concept of a cosmic savior.
5. J F Rutherford was a drunk who cheated on his wife with various women. 90% We have witnesses and i've seen a video.
6. Smoking causes lung cancer. 60% Yes it is a cause. But not every smoker will get it.
7. Men really walked on the moon. 80% Yes most likely. But I can't prove this 100% until a seperate group from NASA returns to the moon.
8. Consciousness survives death.50% Unprovable either way.
9. Moses wrote the Pentateuch.0% To much evidence against that also Moses was invented by Manetho
10. Dragons exists. 100$ Yes but not the mythological kind. Dinosaurs exist (existed)
11. Homeopathy is effective beyond placebo. 1% Yeah some water might help but thats it.
12. O J Simpson was innocent 40% I watched the trial. Either way the evidence rolled and with the prosecution making strupid vouches I used to say he was innocent. Not i'm leaning towards guilty but not completely.
13. Scotland will be an independent country within 20 years. 50% The've have a long time to do this already. Maybe
14. There will be a nuclear war sometime in the 21st century. 60% Maybe
15. The New Testament originally contained the divine name. 0% Half the new testament is Marcionite in orogin and thus YHWH was not the supreme god.
16. At least one of the presidents of the Watchtower was homosexual. 50% Maybe
17. The universe began in a Big Bang around 14 billion years ago. 90% Might be off a few points of millions of years but yes.
18. China is the country with the most people. 97 Yes but India will likely overtake it soon