Sirona; nice links (bet guys say that to you all the time)
However, being a big old meany I have to point out the day that repeatable evidence of paranormal powers is available, then the guy who does it will spare no time in rubbing the scientific communities nose in it whilst they await their Nobel Prize. Quite right I say, but it hasn't happened yet; no levitting chairs on Parkinson yet, eh?
Also, many of the theories concerning non-testability are re-hashes of theological arguments about why you can't prove god. COnvenient is my word for this.
And everyone, this link is rather interesting. It regards dousing, and how it describes dousers being INCAPABLE of believing they can't douse in double-blind experiments, even though no douser has ever doused in a double blind experiment.
ADDED LATER FOR SPOOKY COINCIDENCE OVER ME AND FUNKY POSTING THE SAME LINK (DIDN'T READ THIS PAGE IN BETWEEN EITHER, HONEST): hey funky, I think we just proved psi abilities... whoops, bang goes the conspiracy of silence. I will levitate my gold bullion to your secret lair in the Magillycuddy Reeks. Wipe Bush's mind, it won't take long... as I pass over London I will turn Blair into a gerbil... won't take long either
Humans are capable of believing in things so strongly facts take a second place.
Be careful out there...