And what do you make of Sunspot's experience? Did she just imagine that the fork lifted up and hung in midair? How did a record player turn on and off when it was unplugged? There are some things that can't be blamed on teenagers playing pranks or the family cat and dog.
"There are many explanations for such things. You take stories at face value. I do not."
There ARE? I'd enjoy hearing them! You said she takes stories at face value. Well.....someone started a topic about "Paranormal Experiences" and I thought I'd share MINE.......if I was gonna MAKE UP a "story", I sure woulda made it a helluva lot more interesting! I know you don't know me, but why assume that I'm NOT telling the truth? Your reply was a bit demeaning.
"You probably beleive a whole host of urban legends. I do not. I believe with further investigation a prosaic cause would be found for this story. There are many more possibilities than just "ghosts."
I have no idea what a prosaic cause is, but since it happened in 1967 and in another state, there IS no way to go back and investigate, is there? And if there are more "possibilities" than ghosts, what would they be?
As for the fork incident, I never SAID it was ghosts, I only told what happened, the WAY it happened, I have no reason to do otherwise, or embellish the "story" to please anyone.
Unfortunately, what started out as a very interesting thread, has gotten a bit nasty. NOW if someone wants to post something that they've experienced of a paranormal nature, they'll be in line for being challenged as untruthful, or being picked apart and scrutinized for "prosaic causes"........too bad. It could have been fun.