Hi hooberus;
Naturalistic evolution cannot provide a satisfactory explanation for supernatural phenomena.
Like I said at the start of that piece hooberus, if you believe in Creation, my question might not interest you... but I disagree in any case, as I have already figured out potential evolutionary mechanisms for internal paranormal abilities. Oh, and believers in god cannot provide a satisfactory explanation for its existence without violating the arguments they put forward for intelligent design, or the flawed arguments regarding thermodynamics they sometimes try to use against evolution.
I should point out that there is no scientifically repeatable evidence for supernatural phenomena. That is different from it not existing. We might not be able to measure it. Yet.
But many of the arguments in the ‘can’t measure it yet’ vein fail to see that even before one could prove by observation and measurement the Earth was round, you could see the top sail of a boat approaching shore before the hull. You cannot give an equivalent example regarding supernatural phenomena; even if the person being shown this ‘supernatural event’ (the top sail appearing first) didn’t believe the Earth was round, they would see the evidence and it would be repeatable, even if they couldn't prove it by measurement and maths.
All the anecdotal claims for supernatural phenomena, and let us be clear on this, every single one, can NOT be repeated in an equivalently persuasive manner to unbelievers.
Again, this doesn’t mean supernatural phenomena don’t exist. But the sheer lack of conformation to general scientific models is cause for suspicion. It’s why I asked the question I did; I find the weight of anecdotal evidence interesting, but as NONE of it is repeatable, I see it interesting to speculate about how such abilities could arise if they did exist using standard scientific models. If you can’t prove something exists through experiment, and it has no logical method of development, it adds weight to the suspicion that it actually doesn’t exist.
Therefore those who believe in evolution are bound to reject for example the existence of angelic or demonic phenomena or other phenomena which indicates that humans have a spiritual soul.
Wrong. I reject the existence of angels or demons ‘cause there is no evidence. Believers in god are bound to reject the existence of firm proof for a naturalistic evolution of man... you really should stop using invertable sentences, they undermine your arguments...?
Those of us who believe in the biblical account of creation which provides for humans to have a soul within them as well as the creation of spiritual beings above humans such as angels, will tend to be more open to believe these experiences as being possible,
…and less liable to insist upon incontrovertible evidence… and more liable to dispute physical evidence that conflicts with previously held opinions of faith... whereas scientists will, after a big argument, generally refine theory to fit facts, rather than playing with the facts to fit a story.
I myself have interviewed many people (even people who are not "religious") and have concluded that there is way too much stuff going on in order to be explained by naturalistic phenomena. Of course these things may not be testable by the "scientific method" however that does not mean that they have not occurred.
… but they have NEVER been proved scientifically, all the same. Not once. Ever. Which is why we can never agree on things
Do you expect deamons to perform in front of a camera, so that later athiests may be convinced of the supernatural and may even come to believe in spiritual things?
Really bad argument. Reverse it; d o you expect angels to perform in front of a camera, so that later athiests may be convinced of the supernatural and may even come to believe in spiritual things? Answer; given that god is love, yes. Given that god would have saved Sodom for ten righteous men, yes. The lack of provability is too convenient hooberus, and is uncharacteristic of the persona of god as expressed by the New Testament.
Oh, and if internal paranormal powers exist, they are either a new feature selected for by natural selection that is not fully developed yet, or they are selected for by another mechanism, probably sexual selection, although as with other characteristic not selected for by natural selection, they do have incidental potential survival benefits, so might appear to be seleected for by natural selection.
But it is a big if