GL Tirebiter, I agree, I remember Armstrong being talked about by some jws as having doctrines similar to the WTS. Then the schism came later and some beliefs became more "conventional." I saw one of their "advertising" shows and realized that things had changed and looked it up on the link you posted. Yes, the WTS has been changing all along, "adjusting" and "clarifying" policies and doctrines, or just stop mentioning them in the publications till that generation goes by. Ask anyone born after 1975 what they think about that teaching, compared to those of us who lived through it from 1966 to 1976 and beyond.
The fading of a well known American religion. Could this happen someday to Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Balaamsass2 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was digging around the net on this subject. YIKES! Extinct religions galore!
Here is a list of completely extinct Christian religions. About 53.
When you look at ancient and "pagan" religions, the list of extinct religions is endless. Perhaps this is why the upper classes of Europe and the USA insisted their children learn the Greek and Roman "Classics" and Gods...a tongue-in-cheek, socially acceptable, politically correct, way to examine what was once held to be "true Religion" to free their children's minds of superstition ???
a watcher
They won't fade as much as change from what they are now. Doctrinal and organizational changes will continue.