A number of years ago, a body of elders discussed the matter of "French kissing". They came to the conclusion that this practice of "French kissing" was a disfellowshipping offense on the grounds of "engaging in loose conduct". One young couple were judicially reproved for their "sin" and the elders felt that since the matter was not widely known, that they would be "privately reproved".
Did You Know That You Could Be Disfellowshipped For French Kissing?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
El Kabong
Even worse, I was reproved for having my arm around MY WIFE while sitting during an assembly. I was told these displays of affection should be done in private.
I looked at the elder and just said one word. Jealous?????
That happened to me too! I had my arm around my husband, and when I got up to go to the bathroom (I was bored), an elder pulled me aside and told me that I had to stop that. He said it was distracting. To whom, I wonder? We sat in the back.
I've never heard that. It would not be the definition of "loose-conduct" given in WT publications since there was no fondling of the genitals or "private parts" of the kissers. There is a vast difference, sometimes, between what a local body of elders thinks is policy and what actually is.
Interestingly, my last MS meeting with the CO discussed how phone sex and cybersex are now considered "loose conduct" by the organization. This was about two and half years ago and everyone felt it was a "new thought" by the Society. Even the CO felt it was. The kicker was that the cyber or phone sex had to be accompanied by masturbation by one of the participants for it to be considered "judicial." Yeah, like people do that without jerkin off .
Yes I knew that you could be disfellowshipped for french kissing.
The thought of getting married in the truth was always sickening to me.
I'm sorry, you meant FREEDOM kissing?
I'm sorry, you meant FREEDOM kissing?
There you go! Keep up the good work! Yizuman
Bradley, the Society is so anally Pharisaical that they made a rule about phone and cybersex as being loose conduct providing that at least one person masturbated. If someone engaged in this activity yet did not masturbate, they would only be charged with what???
If someone engaged in this activity yet did not masturbate, they would only be charged with what??
Wasting their time.