So the f & d slave were allegedly appointed by Christ in 1919? - starting with the first one, J F Rutherford, then N Knorr, then the group that took over in the 70’s and those that followed down to this day?
Well how does that work? Jesus Christ said “by their fruits” we would recognise his faithful disciples, yet the attitudes and practices of those men generally have been just like those of other religious groups, arrogant, self-serving, self-right righteous, (some have even been immoral) - as a group of ‘ruling’ ones they have advocated ‘fleecing’ the flock by insisting on guilting members of their flock into giving money they can ill afford to support their whims, and selfish desires, - under the disguise of building much needed halls, conventions, special talks, special visits etc etc.
they eat the best of food, have comfortable, well maintained homes, serviced by a body servants, nice clothes, laundered and cleaned again, by servants, they have good cars, serviced free of charge, all paid for health treatment, - free dentistry, …
whereas the flock are supposed to live in poverty or near poverty to prove their devotion to God, they travel in style, while the flock traipse on foot through jungles and the like, they stay in good homes whilst away from HQ, whilst the flock put up with tents, motor homes and sub-standard accommodations during assemblies, many publishers have given up holiday time, or even their jobs to get to assemblies, again guilted into doing this. they are looked upon as celebrities by the devoted flock, and yes, I know they get expensive gifts even though I can give you no proof.
There are, it is true, not a few millionaires amongst JWs, but in the decades I have associated with them both in the U.K. and overseas, the majority are just struggling to get by, but the attitude of their governing body seems to be ‘go in peace, keep warm and well-fed’.
Personally, I see the Governing Body as the very essence of the 1st century scribes and Pharisees, of whom Jesus said, ‘do as they say, not as they do’.
Rant over, - spelling errors etc probably down to spell-check dysfunction.