Field Service is Officially Over Forever!

by professor 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • professor

    I hereby urge every single one of Jehovah's Witnesses nationwide to stop going out in field service! According to the January 1, 1989 Watchtower, our obligation to field service officially ended last year!:

    The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century. WT 01/01/89 p. 12

    Now don't you feel silly! You have been going out in service and counting time for no reason!

    Furthermore I urge all brothers and sisters to hold the Society legally accountable for fraud and breach of contract! Our contract clearly stated the limits of our obligations to the Society. We have now fulfilled our contract! Also, we were promised a paradise earth to arrive by a certain time. Furthermore, said paradise did not arrive on any of the promised dates. Therefore, all baptisms and any vows to the organization are hereby null and void for the reason that they were initiated under false pretenses! The Society should therefore be compelled to cease and desist, to relinquish their authority over all brothers and sisters, to restore all families, and to immediately bring to an end the persecution and defamation of any and all ex-members. In addition, since the Society has kept such a concise monthly record of the time each member has worked for them in good faith, each member should demand back pay for all hours reported, at a hourly rate no less than the current minimum wage.


  • Stephanus

    Yes, it'd be wonderful if you could shove that in the Society's face and say "This says we are no longer obligated to go out in service!". However, like all light, this particular patch of illumination is as prone to fading as any other. Damn!

  • apostate

    And complain about the Watchtower's abusive policy on reading apostate material. (It is a violation of Human Rights.)

    Article 19. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
    Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

  • Flip

    Good effort Professor, unfortunately that Jan 1, 1989 Watchtower quote uses “a work”.

    Unless “a work” is specifically defined some where and I’ll bet “dollars to donuts” you won’t, the WTS quote as usual could mean either absolutely anything or absolutely nothing.

    You’ll have to get up pretty early in the morning to nail that “Brooklyn Billionaires Boys Club”

    Good point nonetheless.


    PS By the way Professor, who really is prettier...Ginger...or MaryAnn?

  • professor

    P.S. According to my calculations, if the Society had to pay everyone the U.S. minimum wage for just ONE YEAR of field service, it would cost them $6,180,000,000. (six billion, one hundred eighty million U.S. dollars).

  • professor

    Using this math then, the Society owes me over eighty thousand dollars!

    total lifetime hours spent in field service x $5.15 = how much the Society owes YOU!

  • TR


    this is great! I'm sending this one to my JW brother!


    "cults suck"

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi professor:

    Thanks for the info. I missed that statement in '89, even though I was still active then.

    I'm adding this to my "How Do You Explain This One" file. Someday I hope to be able to use what I gather in it with my still-trapped family.

    Had Enough

  • kes152

    "Go not from door to door."

    Luke 10:7

    Paul did NOT go "from door to door."


  • RedhorseWoman

    If everyone could just collect on the fair value of their work for the WTBTS, everyone's pension problems would be solved.

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