Greetings! I haven’t argued with JW’s lately. I’ve been out of commission for a few decades, but I remember going on the AOL chat rooms way back and arguing with witnesses, but I’ve changed my mind. I think 1914 has some validity not for all the stupid numerology but think about it. World War I it started then. So now I think the Society is going to double down on 1914 as the start of the last days and just drop all the numerology. So what’s the big deal? 1914 was turning point in human history and this century does mark many of the things that Jesus prophesied. You can’t deny these facts. So, I hate to be the contrarian, but I like 1914. And by the way, how in the world do you get an avatar to load up? I can’t get it to work.
When drops 607BCE...
by Nathan Natas 153 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
but think about it. World War I it started then.
Texas sharp shooter fallacy. After the ‘great disappointment’ in 1844, various nutter groups posed almost every year in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as ‘the year’ (and the Bible Students weren’t even the first to suggest 1914). It is entirely unremarkable that something significant happened in one of those years. WWI didn’t just happen as some random unanticipated event in an otherwise utopian world. It isn’t a coincidence that the Watch Tower Society has not mentioned the Balkan Wars in 100 years.
But it is possible that the Watch Tower Society could try to rely more on those lies independent of the numerology anyway.
Jesus didn't choose a Governing body or a board of directors. He observed people back in the early 1800s that were searching for truth in the scriptures. They searched chronology. Brown, Clinton, Bowen, Elliott, Barbour and Russell, Jesus saw them going in the right direction and observed and aided them.
the start of the gentile times is not based on the destruction of Jerusalem, as that was in 587. It was 20 years prior, in around 607. We don't know the exact event or dated that triggered the banding of the tree,
starting your own nutty sect? you need to work on the head canon a bit more though methinks.
"starting your own nutty sect? you need to work on the head canon a bit more though methinks."
Yes. If you reject the superstructure, you should also reject its foundations.