They believed christs presence began in 1874 up to the late 1920's . So when the the end didn't come in 1914 did it have any significance up to that time?
When drops 607BCE...
by Nathan Natas 153 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
Yes, "Nowwhat?," and as Wikipedia reminds us, "The "Time of the End" of Daniel 12:4 is identified as beginning in October 1799—when Napoleon invaded Egypt and ended the power of the papacy—and closing in 1914, at which point violent worldwide revolution would mark the end of the old world order and the beginning of a new one."
I like calling a "lifestyle religion." Like the snakes they are they will shed their doctrinal skin, especially in regard to the sadly mistaken former leaders of the borganization - Russell, Rutherford, Knorr/Franz - and morph into something that would be unrecognizable to those "inspired" men prior to the 21st century. Their phoney-baloney jobs and their parasitism DEMAND it.
I think it is possible that will conveniently "forget" about 1919 and their "Jesus selected ME for his team" doctrine. They will find a new prevarication to use as "evidence" that they are the "one true religion," although I can't imagine what that new lie might be.
Nathan Natas:
Excellent information Nathan, thank you very much!
Switch out 1919 for 1939 and focus on the start of WW2 and presto! You have a momentous world occasion to mark your "Biblical Chronology." Problem solved!
Of course, this would mean that Jesus checked his spiritual temple in 1939 and was pleased to see the boozy president of the WTS being driven around in expensive cars and spending the summer in a mansion on the west coast during the Great Depression. Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.
Beth Sarim
Yes. Many have commented. About patterns.
Patterns of the Borg mentioning things less,,less & less until "something" is forgotten.
Its part of mind control. Or programming.
It may seem insurmountable now, but I think that the WT can surely dump 607 BCE whenever they want. For practical purposes 1914 is already gone. The 1919 date, linked to the 1914 chronology can be changed. It's a joke. The typical JW doesn't believe in the 1914 chronology anyway, I would wager. In fact changing 1919 to 1939 would just about coincide with Rutherford's death/last few years. They already kicked ole Chucky to the curb, why not Rutherford too?
Nathan Natas
We all know that since the year zero (on the FredFranzian calendar) the WTB&TS has defied archaeology and insisted that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE, even though the physical evidence shows that 587 BCE is a more likely date. In fact, the book "The Gentile Times Reconsidered: Have Jehovah's Witnesses Been Wrong All Along About 607 BCE?" by Carl Olof Jonsson and Rud Persson made this conversation public
Celebrated WT scholars have long championed the date 607 BCE for the destruction of Jerusalem since 1944 whereas previous to that time it was 606 BCE based on sound Biblical Chronology. Scholars especially from the time of Edwin Thiele in 1944 published research that purports to prove that 586 BCE was the date for the Fall (of Jerusalem) late some scholars proposed 587 BCE as an alternative based on the consideration as to the use of Neb's 18th or 19 the year based on the words of Jeremiah the Prophet which debate remains to this day a point of major scholarly contention.
Thus, it can be positively stated that scholars to date and including Carl Jonsson and his devotees do not know the precise date for the Fall of Jerusalem whereas JW 's do know the precise date being proved to be 607 BCE based on the secular and biblical evidence centred around the Exilic period of 70 years again based on the words of Jeremiah the Prophet.
Carl Olof Jonsson in GTR with its many editions claims to prove using' seventeen different lines of evidence' the length of the Neo-Babylonian period which would falsify WT Bible Chronology and its date of 607 BCE (GTR, 2004, 4th edn. p.88; GTR, 2021, 4th edn. p.88). This research which began in the late sixties and concluded in the mid seventies was simply a rehash of scholarship from the fifties from SDA researchers in Australia so there were no surprises here!!!
Such SDA scholars including Jonsson have as with all of the scholars of Christendom stumbled over an interpretation of Jeremiah's seventy years failing to provide a consistent interpretation of not only its chronology but its very nature which remains a source of vexation to this very day.
So, the joke is not on WT scholars and the Witnesses who have publicly proclaimed the validity of 1914 CE but is on worldly scholarship which has demonstrated its contempt for Bible prophecy its loyal Witnesses and God's inspired Word. They should hang their heads in shame.
scholar JW
Beth Sarim
Chucky is kicked to the curb.
They can boot Rutherford too.
Just the way the Borg reinvents itself.
And by scrapping old literature and going completely online.
Further to this is a fact that when the WTS published Babylon the Great God's Kingdom Rules in 1963 the fire was lit for the ongoing controversy surrounding 607 BCE and the twenty difference between Bible Chronology and NB Chronology which is strongly advocated by Christendoms scholars. It was common practice from the sixties that SDA opponents of the Witness would have a well-marked Babylon book of its pages pertinent to discussions of Bible Chronology especially of the reign of King Jehoiakim. one prominent SDA theologian who was taught by the prominent SDA scholar, Siegfried Horn went on lecture tours in Australia with charts in attempt to disprove WT Bible Chronology and 607 BCE.
As a side note, this same scholar rescued and saved the lives of a Witness family either en route or otherwise to a Convention off a deserted island in Fiji which was reported in the Readers Digest. Life has its ironies.
scholar JW
JW GoneBad
So, the joke is not on WT scholars and the Witnesses who have publicly proclaimed the validity of 1914 CE but is on...
Sorry "scholar"...but the joke is on WT & the Jehovah’s Witnesses...always has been & always will be.
Did you notice the quotation marks around your avatar, "scholar"? Me wonders how much you live up to that name! I'm JW GoneBad...& believe me I live up to that name.
Be honest you're a WT Apologist...the name suits you!🤣
No way are you a Scholar!