BTW, what's the difference between "intellect" and "the ability to decide, the will", as per your definitions of reason given above?
by cofty 496 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
BTW, what's the difference between "intellect" and "the ability to decide, the will", as per your definitions of reason given above?
Yet the Catholic Church certainly does NOT believe that contacting/communicating with demons is BS since it can lead to demon possession which in turn will require an exorcism.
This subject is full of popular misconceptions. Demons are much more subtle in their deceptions.
Do you mean you want some truth coming from a demon?
If: God now reassigning the angel that single-handedly identified and killed all the firstborn in Egypt to
head an angelic task force that is poised to instantly stop any impending rape, anywhere, and dispatch the culprit out of sight, instantly, permanently, no questions asked. and
those with them, that abate these atrocities.
Waton - As a skeptic that's the sort of extreme example that I am not asking for.
As I said in my OP "If the god of christian theism did exist a lot of simple things would just make more sense."
Waton - As a skeptic that's the sort of extreme example that I am not asking for.
understood, cofty, and it was written with the understanding that I wa pushing past the limit, yet, with that power supposedly displayed ones, why not put it to an urgent need now?
I was not asking for anything big, just of a replication of abilities claimed earlier, but channeled into some useful task, rather than evening the score with the supposed prior genocide of male jewish babies.
cofty, according to your morality, why shouldn't you allow God to be unmeasuable instead of having to measure up to your rules of evidence.
A couple of decades ago while talking to people on the street, I aproached a blind man, and not having the power to make him see, I wanted to know his view on God since obviously he must have at least tried to pray to God about his blindness -and yet there he was, blind. So, I asked him a question about God expecting his response to to be negative; to my surprise, he interjected saying: "Oh, no, God helps me!
Simply because people believe God helps them doesnt make it so.
The world is full of people who believe in
God who answers their prayers ,it is also full of people who believe in God who dont get answers to their prayers
Shouldnt that question be answered by God now after more than 6000 years on earth ?
Or are the JW`s going back to their belief which I think they discarded some time back that a creative day is 6 thousand years long ?
And we are now approching the seventh 1000years ,didnt that occur in 1975 ?.previously believed and taught in the late 1800`s
Wasnt JC King of the jews in 33CE?
Wasnt JC enthroned in 1914 as King ?
Didnt his 1000 year reign start then and why not ?
And how is it that Christendom
Is his 1000 year rule future ? yet to start ?
Is he King of the Jews or not ?
or is he KING of Kings and Lord of Lords now or not ?
And how is it that Christendom has laid all the groundwork these past 2000 years spreading christianity worldwide in the known world and made the Bible available to the bulk of humanity the average person in their own language , surely this couldnt have been accomplished without Gods blessing ?
And then in this latter days JW`s spring up and claim all this is wrong ?Demote Jesus Exult Jehovah ,change the christian doctrine to conform with their pre-concieved belifs that overturn all christian princilples following in the footsteps of their predecessors and planting a new doctrine.claiming they alone have the "truth"
How presumptiousness on their part.
As I said in my OP "If the god of christian theism did exist a lot of simple things would just make more sense."
An ambiguous statement that I think could easily be taken the wrong way. (And apparently was by David Jay)
The easiest way to read the statement in isolation would be: the world would make more sense if we interpret it in the light of God's existence along the lines of Christian theism.
But in context it is clear you must mean something like: if the Christian God really eixisted then the world would be different in a number of ways so that many simple things would fit better with that version of reality.
SBF - I am perfectly satisfied with the clarity of my OP.
So far you have tried to divert the topic to your usual boring po-mo rhetoric and now you seem to think I need your help to explain myself.
I sigh every time I see your icon on one of my threads.