My criticism of theism applies equally to every form of theology that teaches a loving god made the world.
My knowledge of theology is excellent. Unlike you I don't use it as an excuse to obfuscate.
Reality and theology are in opposition.
by cofty 496 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My criticism of theism applies equally to every form of theology that teaches a loving god made the world.
My knowledge of theology is excellent. Unlike you I don't use it as an excuse to obfuscate.
Reality and theology are in opposition.
My criticism of theism applies equally to every form of theology that teaches a loving god made the world.
No. Your criticism is only valid to creationism and calvinism. You always have in mind the JW and Pentecostal concepts of God. It's easy to be an atheist beating a very poor concept of God. It's almost a strawman fallacy.
My knowledge of theology is excellent. Unlike you I don't use it as an excuse to obfuscate.
You have a very poor knowledge about theology and philosophy (specially philosophy of science). Looks like you only know JW and calvinist theology.
Reality and theology are in opposition.
Just your opinion.
The truth is you was once very naive to believe in cultish theologies like the awful JW and Pentecostal faiths.
And when you realized how wrong they are you felt very ashamed of yourself. This overwhelming shame became revolt. So you feel a need to fight against anything related to God. And in your actual worldview you can't even imagine a logical concept of God is possible.
And you continue to be very naive when you say your atheism is validated by science. Or when you try to use science to argument against philosophical and metaphysical matters.
If you was a Catholic or a traditional Protestant you would never pass through an existential crisis. Being a traditional Christian would not prevent you to accomplish anything you like.
It was not Christianity the cause of your deception.
John stop with the amateur psycho- babble.
You have yet to address a single word of the OP
I don't think it is JW theology proper that is the problem. A good Bible case can be made for many of their distinguishing theological claims: Jesus as a created being; soul sleep; importance of God's name; God's self-limited foreknowledge; endurance for salvation; paradise earth and so on. To me the problem lies in their authoritarian structure; lack of engagement with modern science, scholarship, culture, and ethics; punishment of free thought and the like.
It was not Christianity the cause of your deception.
Why don't the traditional Protestants believe what the Catholics believe?
Maybe because the Protestants were deceived by the Catholics?
How does it happen that all Christians don't believe the same things? What causes this?
It is certainly puzzling why sincere and devout people equally seek God's will and pray to him yet they all come up with different answers so that there are approximately 40,000 different Christian denominations (Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC) at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary).
If God has a relationship with every Christian and every Christian is praying to him then wouldn't he tell every Christian the same thing so that Christians would agree on matters of doctrine and practice?
Shouldn't anyone who has a relationship with Jesus, reads the Bible, and listens to the Holy Spirit come to the same conclusions as others who are doing the same thing?
Aren't Jesus and the Holy Spirit capable of communicating the same ideas, beliefs, and practices to all of his followers so that sincere and devout Christians would all agree on what Jesus is telling them?
It was not Christianity the cause of your deception.
Christianity is a deception - it is based on an ancient, Jewish etiological myth (the story of Adam & Eve).
It suits believers to focus on a specific dogma or to resort to ad hominem fallacies.
My OP is a very simple observation that reality does not harmonise well with theology.