The JWs would have a very hard time adapting due to coffee breaks being ruled out.
2016 annual meeting
by obarac 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just spoke earlier this evening with someone who attended yesterday.
What has been repeated here is true. Just a new songbook coming out the first week of October online. Nothing really "big". Jackson gave a very entertaining talk and Herd was the master of ceremonies. They said his comments had people laughing so hard it hurt.
I asked about Tight-Pants Tony (of course I didn't call him Tight-Pants when I asked the question) and they said he had the last part and talked about how terrible and permissive the world is. But from what they said, he didn't go off-script and it was a fairly typical talk.
Next year, as was mentioned here, the Annual Meeting will focus on the Dedication of the Warwick headquarters and will be broadcast to all assembly halls in the USA.
Rub a Dub
Yes...things are quite calm in WT land. The calm before the storm.
I wonder if things are calm because they are tired?
Its just a bunch of old men who are not used to having to give much in the way of energy.
I think all the broadcasts and having to be having to be poster boys has proven to be tiring.
listener: "The JWs would have a very hard time adapting due to coffee breaks being ruled out.
or the rewarding glass to relax after the disturbing meetings, but we would have so many more elders, all the h2h ministers , young men are elders. it's a long way though, from New Jersey to Salt Lake City. Imagine David Splane conducting the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, tabernac.
"I wonder if things are calm because they are tired?"
Good point Millie. Are they receiving more "kick back" than they anticipated? Reading this forum and also Reddit, it seems there is more questioning and doubters than they may have expected. I hope they are nervous...very nervous (but than again...they are very arrogant).
Folks, JWs and olds can't unite. While the LDS collect tithes, they actually provide aid and assistance to the community and each other. They encourage higher education. They are a lot more likely to be well adjusted and successful than JWs. I think recruiting wise, they are not any more successful than JWs, but they have the added advantage of not requiring shunning or expulsions. Being a "Jack" Mormon(non churchgoing/non observant) or ex mormon May put up a barrier if you are living way outside the boundaries of society or frequently badmouthing the church or God or are flamboyant gay, but just leaving, even joining another church is not a reason, in 2016 to wholesale reject your company or keep u out of family Christmas parties. Christmas being another incompatibility with the JWs. Those people like Halloween like crazy, too.
Plus, if you are nice, the missionaries might offer to mow your lawn or fix your car. I missed it, but yesterday the guys came by and changed the next door ladies tire after she mentioned she was calling the auto club. No JW would do that. Not even to witness.
Maybe there was nothing this year that a supermajority of the GB could agree to.
Just viewed JWSurvey and read Lloyd Evans 'Cedars' latest article.
The new song book will be made available electronically. Hard copies (bound books) will only be available upon request. So I'm guessing that no longer will there be a supply kept in stock in the literature department.
See link to Cedars article:
I have read some rumblings regarding Lloyd Evans 'Cedars' so I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules by posting a link to his website.
St George of England
Letter read after the WT study yesterday to say use the download version of new song book if possible because of cost.
If you must have printed copy Group Overseer will collect names and arrange for order.
The letter finished with encouragement to donate towards cost.